Chapter 4: Getting Kicked Out

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Y/n's POV

  ''WE FINALLY ARRIVED AT THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!!'' (F/n) exclaimed....I guess I need to take the entrance exam..Damn what a drag....I opened the door while (F/n) was waving a farewell at me...This is it I guess......''Excuse me..I am (Y/n)(L/N).The new student of this school.''I said in a calm voice..''Ah yes!Nice to meet you.I am Asano Gakuho,please call me Principal Asano.Please take a seat." He said in a calm yet scary voice.There is something weird 'bout this one,well,who cares! The whole time I was there was him explaining about the school rules and regulations.''.''Mr.Principal said ''yes sir,i understood'' I replied with a fake smile...I tell you..I am so damn tired I wanna sleep my ass off but instead,one of his minions directed me to a room for me to take the entrance exam.These things are a piece of cake like COME ON! We're in highschool,is this what you can do? This topics are for gradeschoolers.''I'm done!'' I said while yawning and streching my back. I was again redirected to to principal's office.''Quite impressive.You got them all perfect.Then,you will stay in class 3-A.I hope you'll have a nice stay Ms.(L/n)''the principal said...I waltz out of the door and headed my way to class 3-A.

=Class 3-A=

FINALLY I'M HERE!! Now I could sleep in class! ''Knock Knock Knock'' ''Oh you must be the new student! Please introduce yourself.''The perverted looking teacher said while tapping my shoulders.''Why don't you do it huh? I mean,you are my teacher,I am sure you are informed about me.''  I said coldly..."Uhm,sure I guess..Please,take your seat next to Asano." The teacher sweatdropped..The strawberry haired boy raised his hand as I was going towards my seat.. My seat is soooooo comfortable so...I slept..

-N! L/N!! I woke up since the annoying voice is just getting on my nerves.."What!!" I shouted. "I am sure that breaking the rules would lead you to great problems..Please,proceed to the principal's office to discuss your behaviour." The teacher said..."Dude! Your such a pain in the ass. I just arrived here ya know!" I said behind my breath while walking out the door..

This is good on its own way, i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be thrown out and will be transferred where my target is... Perfect

Asano's POV

 You didn't even change, even just for a little, y/n. I'll be looking forward to our next meeting.

Y/n's POV

   Finallllyyyyyy!!!! Better get in to this stupid man's office...*door opens* "Yo..." I said.."Please.. Take your seat" Prinsipal Asano said... All the time he was talking about how disappointed he is on me. I just slept, it's not that big of a deal.

"This behaviour is unacceptable in class 3-A.. You shall be send to Class 3-E tomorrow.. You may now go home." He said... Class 3-E huh... Now i'm nearer to my target, things will be easier from now on.


The Lost One's Weeping (Karma X Demon/Lazy reader)Where stories live. Discover now