Chapter 6

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I walked home from school hoping my dad wasn't there. One of my fears was going home. I didn't know what he was going to do, but all I know is that I will never be really for it. I saw Calum from his bedroom window. Did I mention that he lives across from me? No. Well, he does. I saw him dancing in his room carelessly. I was laughing at him. Luckily he didn't notice me. I went inside and my dad was drinking. My front window had a perfect view of his upstairs window which I hated so much. I was hoping my dad didn't notice me but he did.

"Hi Alyssa thought you could get away from me huh?" I didn't say anything. He then slapped me. "Worthless." He spat in my face. He punched me in my stomach. He laid me down on the counter. Unfortunately it was in front of the window. He unbuttoned my shirt. I was terrified.


I was dancing im my room not a single care in the world. But I realized my blinds were open. I went to close them when I saw Alyssa's house. I was looking at her window when I saw her dad slap her. I gasped.

He punched her. Now I realized I make her day horrible and her dad makes it even worse. I saw him place her on the counter when he unbuttoned her shirt. I felt my anger rise. I went downstairs and ran acrossed the street and I barged in.

Rick (Alyssa's Dad)

I unbuttoned her shirt when a guy barged in. He grabbed me and punched me. I felt something drip down my face. "Don't think thats gonna stop me." I said then punched him more than you could imagine. He grabbed my head and shoved it towards the wall. Next thing I knew I blacked out.


Calum? He grabbed my dad and punched him. Blood ran down his face. "Don't think thats gonna stop me." He said and threw multiple punches at Calum. Calum smashed my dads head on the window. Then he knocked out. Calum called the police lasted a few minutes until he hung up.

He ran to me and gave me a big hug. "Are you okay Alyssa?" He asked. "Yes Calum I'm fine." I speak. A little shocked from what just happened. "The police will be here soon." He assured. When the police arrested my dad he yelled,"Don't you think this is over! I will get you Alyssa." Those words scared me. A police man went up to us. "He will be in jail for about 8 months." The police officer said. I nodded. "Don't worry I won't let him touch you again." Calum said hugging me. We held that hug for a long time before I realized it he pushed me off of him. "Wait a minute. You called me a man whore. I almost forgot." He smirked. "No no no, please. I-I thought we were going to be friends." I said fear clear in my eyes.

"I'll get my revenge. Not now. Maybe later. I guess I'll see you around slut." He snickered at me. What am I going to do now?

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