Chapter 5

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My mum thought I stopped picking on Alyssa, but she over heard my conversation with Ashton saying that she was going to get it tomorrow. So, I have to stop. Maybe it'll be for the best. Who knows? It was saturday which meant no school. Ashton, Luke and Michael were already on their way over. Now I got to convince them to stop bullying Alyssa. Soon enough they came in. "Hey guys." I spoke. "Hey Calum." They greeted. "I think we should stop bullying Alyssa." I said, getting straight to the point. "Ok." They said with a shrug and without an argument. "Ok?" I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Dude, we only bully her because you wanted to and you're our friend." Luke said. "Plus we do it because you like her." Ashton added. "What I don't like her." I scoff. "Dude everyone can see it." Michael says. "Okay no, I don't like her. Even if I did would I still bully her and be a total asshole to her?" I say. "Yes." They said in sync. "Ok maybe I do like her just a little bit and maybe my feelings never went away, but she hates me with all she has and I don't necessarily hate her back, but she won't like me. I lost her trust like four years ago." I say, losing hope. "Then lets regain her trust." Ashton said. "Ashton it's not that easy to regain someone's trust. It's like a broken plate. If you glue it back together it's good but it'll never be the same." I say.

"Alright. So it might take a little time. But we can start by being nice to her." Luke said. "Yeah that's a start." Michael said. "Ok starting Monday we won't bully her no more. No more comments, shoves, and physical abuse." I say. I really hope she forgives me, but I know deep down inside she won't. But, a guy can dream.


Still Calum's POV

I quickly got dressed to go to school and to find Alyssa. I tried every, but then I checked the library. I enetered and I scanned the room and I found her in the back of the room. "Hi Alyssa." I greeted with a smile. "H-hi C-Calum." She stuttered. "Alyssa, look, I'm not going to hurt you anymore." I say, truthfully. "Yeah I heard that bullshit before." She spat at me.

"Please I want a fresh start please. Please forgive me." I plead. "Why should I? You betrayed me and bullied me for four years." She rose her voice. "Okay, look, I know you hate me, but if it's anyone who should be apologizing it's you. You know why? Because back in middle school you fucking broke my heart on Valentine's Day. Remember that? I sure as hell do. But, you know why we became friends after that. Because I had to fake my feelings for you and put everything behind. I had to pretend nothing even happened. Do you know how hard it is. But, I know I shouldn't have betrayed you it was a dick move, but you broke my heart so what else would I do." I say. Then, realization hits her.

"Calum I'm sorry for that. I really am, but you don't understand. I had to do it because my friend Ally, who moved, she had the biggest crush on you but you're too oblivious so I couldn't do that." She explains. "But did you really had to say those hurtful words to me?" I ask. "N-no, but I'm sorry. I really am." She said. "Then can we become friends again and restart?" I ask. She was hesitant at first. "N-No Calum I'm sorry." She says walking away. I grab her arm gently remembering that she cuts. "W-what? Why?" I ask, my voice cracking. "Because I literally cannot trust you. You've hurt me so many times and called me so many names. I-I just can't. I'm sorry." She said.

"Please. One more chance. That's all I ask for." I say. She sighs,"Ok I forgive you but you have to earn your trust." "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I promise I won't hurt you anymore, no more names, no more shoves, and no more physical touch. I promise I won't let you down." I exclaimed. She laughed at my excitement. I hugged her and then ran off to Michael, Luke, and Ashton.

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