Chapter 36

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Alyssa's POV

I woke up and Calum wasn't next to me I suppose he went somewhere but I don't want to text him and be clingy so I will just wait until he gets back. I picked out my clothes and got in the shower. I shampooed and put conditioner and washed my body and got out and dried myself. I put my clothes on and did my hair. I brushed my teeth, washed my face put socks and shoes on and went for a walk.

I walked around the whole block and decided to go to the park. I laid down on the grass just watching the clouds. I'm almost 23 and I'm watching the clouds. I need girl friends.

Calum's POV

I'm with my mum going ring shopping I need to find the perfect one. I shouldn't need my mums help I'm 23 I can do it on my own. I'm just kidding I still need my mum. I want to propose on her birthday which is in a few days and I'm nervous. "How about this one." My mum says from across the store. I walk over to her and my eyes meet the most beautiful ring ever. Okay Calum I sound like a girl. "I love it." I speak. I call over an employee and ask how much it is.

"That will be £90." She spoke. "Okay I'll buy it I barely have enough but it's worth it." I say. "This girl must be something." She says. "Yes she is very beautiful and I love her very much, she is my everything." I say speaking the truth. "Here you go and good luck." She says. "Thanks." I say. We walk out of the store and into my mums car. "Mum I just want to say thank you for coming with me." I say. "Anything for you." She says. "Mum I'm going to propose to here this Saturday and today is Tuesday which means I have four days to plan everything can you help?" I ask. She nods.

"Why this Saturday?" She asks. "Oh it's her birthday. Why is it to early? It's to early isn't I knew I should have waited." I blab on and on. "Relax its perfect." My mum reassures me. My mum pulled in our driveway and I see Alyssa in my bedroom window. "Can you put this in your purse I don't want Alyssa seeing it just yet?" I ask. "Okay." She says and takes the ring and puts it in her purse.

We get out of the car and I walk upstairs to my room. I see Alyssa with a cover over her head running around the room. "What are you doing?" I laugh. "You know what I always do when I'm bored." She says facing the wrong way. "Wrong way." I say and she turns facing towards me. I get under the covers with her and just smile at how we are acting. "You know your 23rd birthday is coming up." I say. "Oh great I'm getting older." She groans. "It's okay no matter how old I will still love you the same but you have an effect on me my love for you keeps growing bigger and bigger." I say.

"I have an effect on you?" She asks. "Of course you do." I reply. We both sit down criss cross. "So what do you want to do for your birthday?" I ask. "Can we have a party and invite our college friends?" She asks. "Yeah anything for you, even though it is your party." I say. We stare at each other for a while and we both lean in. Our lips touch and there is the same electricity I feel when I kiss her.

It turned into a make out session we separated and smiled at each other. She stands up and takes the blanket off and jumps on the bed and rolls around on the bed. I can hear her muffled giggling. She takes the covers off of her face and she just laughs like there's no tomorrow. I get on the bed and lay next to her. "I love you so much Alyssa." I say looking dead in her eyes. "I love you too so so much Cal." She says not breaking eye contact.

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