Chapter 2

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The next day went as usual, got some new bruises. Nothing out of the ordinary. I limped home and I checked the time and it was 11. Shit I'm going to be late. He's going to be so mad. Hopefully he's asleep. I entered my house and there he was leaning on the kitchen counter. "Where have you been?!" He yelled. "Out." I simply say. "Bullshit." He spat then slapped me. I fell back, tears falling.

"I HATE YOU!" I yelled. "You shouldn't have said that bitch!" He yelled at me, then punched me. "I HATE YOU, YOU'RE A WORTHLESS DAUGHTER!" He snapped. I limped upstairs, tears flowing down my face. I went to my bathroom. That's when I saw them. Just sitting there, waiting to be touched. I didn't really pay attention to my thoughts saying don't do it. You're going to regret it. So, I picked it up and dragged it across my skin. It felt so good. It was like when my emotions were so filled and I did this to release them.


I only bully Alyssa because I chose popularity over her. We used to be best friends, but since we got into high school I wanted to fit in and be like the cool kids now I'm one of those. I used to be the outcast, the loser, the freak. Not anymore. I can't ruin my reputation or else I'll be a loser again. I'll lose all my friends and be a nobody. That can't happen. So to keep my friends I have to bully Alyssa. I didn't want to do it, but I had to keep my reputation. I want to be friends again, but knowing what I do to her that will never happen.

I really want her to forgive me but she will never do it. But I will find a way for her to forgive me. It will take some time. It's worth it though. But also I bully her because she was one of those pretty girls who think they were all that in middle school. So one day on Valentine's Day, I asked her to the upcoming dance that they always had for Valentine's Day. She laughed in my face. "As if. Why would I want to go with a loser like you. You should probably find someone as ugly as you." Those are the exact words she said. To this day I've hated her for it. She humiliated me. I will never forgive her. So on second thought maybe she doesn't deserve my forgiveness.

I really liked her. A lot. I would do anything to be close to her and near her. She would call me a creep or a perv. I was so oblivious and blinded by my crush on her I didn't realize what those words meant. All the things I thought I knew about love they have a different meaning now. Some people might say I'm being rude and I should just let it go, but I won't. She deserves it. Her words have haunted me ever since. Since that day I changed my whole appearance. I only did it to please her but she still didn't like me. I should've changed myself because I wanted to, not to please her. But she was my first crush and I wasn't used to the whole crush thing, I didn't know what to do. Ever since that day I vowed to never become friends with her ever again, let alone like her. Okay maybe my crush on her from middle school, never really went away, but technically that doesn't mean anything.  So I'll just wait and see what happens.

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