Chapter 17

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*3 weeks later*

Calum's POV

We have been in here what seems like forever. "Rick they've been here for 3 weeks." I'm guessing his partner said. Well now I now how long we've been here for.

"Let's just let go in the woods and let them find their way back and we will just watch them. After 2 days if they're still out there let's kill them and dump their body somewhere." He partner explained his plan to Rick. "Ok." Rick agreed. I woke up Alyssa. "Alyssa wake up." "Hmm." She grumbled. Rick came in.

"Look I'm going to let you guys free but if you're still out there for 2 days or more we are going to kill you." He said. He stood us up and he lead us to the door. He untied us. "Ready go." Then we ran. "Calum where do we even go." "Look for roads or cars." I say. "Ok but what if we dont make it?" She asked.

He stopped me with him. "Alyssa we are getting out of here don't worry the police are looking for us." I said. She nodded. As we were running I looked back and didn't see the house Rick kept us in. Thats a good sign. "Alyssa stop it's getting dark." "Ok what are we going to do." "Look for some wood or tree bark."

Alyssa's POV

We were looking for some wood or tree bark. I found some sticks hope that helps. I started collected some but I didn't go far. After I heard Calum calling for me I went back. "There you are I started getting worried." He smiles. "Well I'm right here." I say. "I got some sticks." I said. "Great." He says. "Lets set up here." "I got rocks to surround the fire." He said I nodded. He made a circle with the rocks.

I put the sticks in and Calum rubbed two of the sticks together. He kept trying. "Calum you're doing it wrong." I said then a fire started. "Doing it wrong huh." He looked at me. I just laughed at his sillyness.

He came closer to me as we leaned up against a tree. He wrapped his arm around me. "I love you Calum." I say. "I love you too Alyssa." He said back to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. I felt his head rest on mine. Then I knocked out.

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