Chapter 8

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"I-I." I stuttered. "Thought so." Alyssa scoffed. Then she walked in her house. I ran after her. "Alyssa wait." I ran after her. "What do you want?" She asked harshly. I guess I deserve that. "I-I guess I bullied you because I liked you. I liked you when we were little and I guess my feelings for you didn't go away. I don't know why I bullied you I guess I tried to push those feelings away. That didn't work. So I-I think that's why I got more abusive towards you because my feelings were growing and growing and I didn't know what to do. But I know my feelings for you are real and I know them now. I tried so damn hard to get over you But I can't and I couldn't. I fucking love you." I say. "Y-you love me?" She asked, shocked. "Yes I do from day 1. From the first day we met. I guess I always knew deep down you were going to be special even though I didn't know it yet." I say to her.

"D-Do you love me?" I ask, scared of the answer. "You bullied me just because you liked me. But you should know that when we were younger I did have feelings for you too. As a matter of fact I do. I still do to this day. I don't know why. Even though you did bully me. When we were friends I guess I fell in love with you." She says. "If you do will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. "Calum I'm sorry I love you and all but I still need time to think about it. You can't just expect me to say yes right away. Like what if we were to get into a fight. Would you hit me or would you go cheat on me." She said. "Alyssa you know I'm not that type of guy to cheat." I protest. "Oh so you are the type of guy to hit me even when we're fighting." She pointed out. "No–I-I didn't mean it like that. When we're fighting I'll still let you know I love you so you won't forget it." I say. She didn't say anything but nod. "Okay I'll wait anyway." I say. "Lets go." I say bringing her upstairs.


Calum asked me to be his girlfriend but I'm not ready to do it I need to think about it. I can't bare the thought of him leaving me for some other chick that's more skinnier and prettier and all the things that I'm not. It may seem wrong that I love my ex-bully, but in my defense I started to like him when we were best friends. The old Calum. The Calum before high school.

We went into my house and all the memories came back to me. I looked at Calum and he looked at me. But, he didn't save me from my dad. Then again he called me an slut. But I know that he'll protect me. Maybe just maybe I'll give him a chance. "What?" He asked. I just hugged him. He was taken by surprise but he hugged back.

"What was that for?" He chuckled. "It was for saving me from my dad." I said. "I will always protect you. But I just want you to know how truly sorry I am that I picked being popular over being your friend. I was stupid and I regret it. I just wanted to fit it. I'm really sorry and I want you to know that I'll do anything for you. No matter what. Big or small. High or low.
Anywhere you want me to go. I'll go. Just for you." He said. "Calum. Yes." I smiled. "Yes what?" He asked. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I laughed a bit. "Really?" He asked eyes going wide. "Yes." He gave me a big hug. "But don't do something you'll regret one chance is all I'm giving you that's it." I warn him. "Don't worry I got it." After that we got my stuff and got out of there.

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