Chapter 33

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Alyssa's POV

"Look Alyssa I haven't been completely honest with you." Calum says. "What do you mean?" I ask "Before you I had another girlfriend her name was Jade and I killed her but I had to I was forced to that was another reason why I bullied you, you reminded me of her." He says.

I shot up gasping for air. I look at the time to see it was 4:45 AM. "Alyssa what's wrong." Calum says. "Is Mali here?" I ask. "No not until tomorrow." He says. "Oh I had a dream that you had another girlfriend before me her name was jade and you were forced to kill her and that was on of the reasons why you bullied me because I reminded you of her." I say. "Actually that is weird." He says. "Because that is true except the name her name was Heather." He says acting calm. "But can I explain everything later I'm tired." He whines.

We go back to sleep and he protectively wraps his arms around me and scoots closer to me.


I woke up and it was 10:15. I see Calum watching television beside me. "Okay you are awake." He says. "Let me tell you the whole story." He says. "Look I was in a wrong group of people and they didn't like Heather so one day we came over and tied her up and made me shoot her either in the heart or head. She was begging me not to but they had Mali so I had to. I shot her in the heart and they lied to me they didn't have Mali at all so I was really mad and sad so I took all my anger out on you." He explains. I take it all in. "Oh wow." Was all I could say. "Don't we have school today." I say changing the subject. "No the school wanted to give us one last day off before graduating." Calum says I nod.

We hear a door open downstairs. "Mali!!!" He screams and runs downstairs as if there were presents underneath a tree. "I follow behind him and see him hugging Mali-koa. "So you must be Alyssa, Calum has told me lots about you he never shuts up about you and he tells me all the things he loves about you-" Calum interrupts her. "Mali!" He whines. "Sorry." She says.

"Well I will leave you guys alone oh mum called me she said use protection." Mali says as we both look down with embarrassment. "I love your mum." I smile. "I love her too." "Let me check the mail." I say as he follows along. We walk outside and go to the mail box and look through the letters. I saw one labeled Alyssa Moore and another one Calum Hood. I handed his to him. We set the mail down on the table and open our letters.

I open it and saw it was from Northway College. I read it and I got accepted. I look at Calum to see his face since he applied for the same college as me. "I got accepted!" I scream. "Me too." He screams.

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