Chapter 29

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Calum's POV

Today is Tuesday which means another horrid day at school but only a few more weeks then we graduate. I did my routine that I always do in the morning and I walked to school. I heard something behind me like someone was walking behind me. I turned and saw Alyssa. "Alyssa!" I yelled. I saw her jump in fear. "Y-yes." She gulped. I motioned her to come here. She hesitantly walked over to me.

We were walking to school then she asked me something I thought she knew. "Do you love me?" She asked. "Of course I do." I told her with a smile. "Then why do you be mean to me?" "Uh....... well I do this because you hurt me so badly I guess I take it on you because you hurt me." "Maybe if you don't get drunk and I don't overreact we can make it work again." She said.

My eyes went huge. "Wait are you serious." I said. She nodded and giggled. "I promise not to get drunk I won't let you down." I said. "Thank you and by the way are you still staying at my house because I can't sleep alone I haven't been able to sleep at all." I said. "Yes I will be and I found the flowers you threw away I didn't know you felt that way." She said. "When I said no girl has ever made me feel that way I mean it you are different than those other girls I love you and only you." I said. "I love you too Calum."

We finally entered school together everyone was giving us looks probably thinking if we were back together or not so I decided to answer it for them. I took Alyssa's hand and locked it with mine. I looked over to her and saw her smile to her self. That smile made my heart flutter.


Alyssa's POV

Me and Alyssa went to our house hand in hand we entered to be greeted by my mum. "Oh I see you guys are back together." She said we just stood there and blushed. We sat down on the couch Calum went to make snacks while Joy and I talked. "You know Calum talks about you nonstop." She said. "He does?" I questioned. "Oh yeah he really loves you he looks at you like your his entire world. He has never looked that way with any other girl you must be really something." She said and Calum walked back in. Then Joy left.

"What were you guys talking about?" He asked. "You." I simply said. "Oh gosh what did my mum say." He says. "Just that you talk about me nonstop and you look at me like I'm your entire world and that you really love me." I say. "Well all of those things are true." He smiled. "I'll be right back I need to go to the restroom." I said he nodded. As I was done with my stuff I washed my hands and my phone buzzed. I read text message. It read:

'Calum will never love you, you are just a slut who gets in the way of everything he hates you always have you should just shoot your self in the head or jump off a cliff or stab your self I don't care what you do as long as you die so Calum can be happy and free without you.'

I fell to the floor in tears. I know what I need to do. I rummaged around through the sink cabinets and found what I was looking for. It was so small but also powerful. I pressed it against my skin and instantly saw blood ooze out. It was like the relief faded away. I did it a couple more then there was a knock at the bathroom door. "C-Calum." I said softly. "Alyssa you've been in there for a long time please tell me you're not what I think you're doing." He said but before you know it he opened the door.

We looked at each other but his face flashed with hurt and mine probably flashed with guilt. "Calum I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." I sobbed. He didn't answer he picked me up to the sink and washed me up. He pressed a cloth to my cuts not making eye contact with me. When he was done he just walked out. I cleaned up my mess on the floor and went to sit on the couch. "Why did you do it Alyssa?" He asked with a crack in his voice sounding hurt. I didn't answer him I just showed his the text I got.

His eyes went left to right as he read the text. "Alyssa please don't listen to that. Don't kill yourself, the person that sent it should kill itself I love you so much you know that I will not let anything or anyone hurt you, I love you." He said his eyes locked with mine. "I love you too Calum." I said giving him small smile. He put his finger under my head and he started leaning in and so did I. We were kissing for a long time I felt Calum smile into the kiss. Then we separated. "You look tired Alyssa." He said. "That's because I am tired." I said. "Well lets get to bed then." He said. We went into his bedroom and I headed for the restroom I brushed my teeth put my hair into a messy bun washed my face then put pajamas on.

Then Calum came in and put his pajamas on and by that I mean only his boxers he brushed his teeth and washed his face as well. I was looking at myself in the restroom just disappointed on how I look. Then I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. "You are very beautiful you know that right." Calum said. I shook my head. "Look I in the mirror what do you see." He said. "I see a disappointed girl on how she looks." I said. "Well I see a proud guy that is very lucky to have this girl as his girlfriend and this guy is in love with the way she looks he loves everything about her, her size, her curves, her hair, and so many more." He said. "You love that about me?" I asked.

"Of course I do, now come on lets get to bed." He said and took my hand with his. We laid in the bed as the covers laid on us. Calum pulled me closer to him and I snuggled into his chest. "Goodnight Calum I love you." I said. "Goodnight babe I love you too." Then we went to bed

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