Chapter 14

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Calum's POV

I woke up in a basement Alyssa was right beside me. The last thing I remember is.... Alyssa's dad in our bedroom with a partner. I shook Alyssa until she woke up. "Calum where are we?" She asked. "I don't know but all I know is that your dad and his partner kidnapped us last night." I say. "Oh wait my dad kidnapped us." She said shaking a bit. Before I could answer Rick came in. "Oh good you guys are awake." He smirked.

"What do you want Rick!" Alyssa yelled. "What do I want, I want to finish what we started before your boyfriend saved you." Rick said. I widened my eyes I knew exactly what he ment. Alyssa knew to. "Why!?" I screamed. "Doesn't matter but when I finsh what you ruined you are going to watch me do it." He said. "No don't you even think about laying a single hand on her!" I yell. "Tsk tsk." He said. "Sorry." Rick said, smirking. Rick dragged the old bed that was down here and put it in front of me so I could see it. He then got Alyssa and his partner got rope.
He tied Alyssa to the bed. But the partner punched Rick knocking him down. He and Calum untied me.

We ran upstairs we ran for the door we opened it all we saw was woods. We went in the woods but we had no clue where we were going. But we heard a gunshot.

We hid behind a tree. Rick and his partner found us. Rick got Alyssa and the partner got me. "Why did you help us." I said to the partner. "That was all part of the plan." He spoke. They shoved us towards the house and back in the basement.

Joy's POV (Calum's Mom)

I tried calling Calum but he didn't answer. I decided to go visit him since I haven't seen him in 8 months. I went in my car and drove. I took the short way instead of 5 hours it was only 3.

When I got there I went to the door I knocked and it was opened. I inside. "Calum!" I called for him. I went in the bedroom and there beds were messed up and beside the bed was a bottle of chloroform.

I gasped. Immediately, I called the police. "9-1-1 whats your emergency." The caller spoke. "My son Calum and his girlfriend Alyssa. I think they've been kidnapped." I spoke into the phone. I told them my address and that they would be here soon. I'm so scared right now. My baby boy and his girlfriend are out there. They could me getting hurt. I hope they're ok.

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