Chapter 30

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Calum's POV

I woke up realizing that today is Wednesday and I saw Alyssa sleeping still. It was 6 in the morning I decided to wake her up at 6:30 so I will take a shower. I got my clothes and my towel and hopped in. About 10 minutes later I was done I got dressed brushed my teeth fixed my hair and went out of the restroom. By the time I was done with all the it was 6:15. So I just woke Alyssa up.

I shook her like five times on the sixth shake she woke up. She groaned. "Why do we have to wake up so early I only wake up early on Christmas." She said I just laughed at her. "Come on wake up." I said. She groaned pulling the covers over her face. I just rolled on top of her. She groaned louder. "Calum get the hell off of me you too heavy." She said. "Not until you wake up." I say. "Well I'm awake now." She says. I get off of her and she gets off the bed and kind of stumbles a bit. She falls but lands in my lap.

I wrap my arms around her. "Sorry got lightheaded for a second." She says while rubbing her eyes trying to adjust to the light in the room. "It's okay." I say. "I'm going to take a shower." She says as I nod. "Wait Alyssa can I pick your clothes today?" I ask. "Sure why not." She says. She went to turn the shower on and to adjust the water while I pick out her clothes. When I pick out an outfit I like I bring it to her.

I set it on the toilet and give her a towel and she hops in. While she was in I cleaned up my room. I made my bed swept my floor and took out the trash in my room. By the time I was done I heard the water shut off. About five minutes later she came through the door wearing what I picked out for her. "I got to say Cal you have a nice taste in fashion." She compliments. I looked at the time and saw it was 7:15. I put my socks and shoes on as she does the same. We grab our backpacks and headed our way.

We walked to the school while our fingers were interlocked. "Calum okay be honest do you love me?" She asks. I stop in my tracks. "Of course I love you I will never stop loving you I have loved you since day one." I say proudly. "Why'd you ask me?" I say curiously. "Because sometimes I don't love myself I think I'm fat and I think I'm ugly." She says looking at the ground. I lift her head so she's looking at me. "Alyssa you are no where near fat your going to have a big belly when we have a family but that's not the point you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met  I love everything about you and I do mean everything." I wink. She giggles.

We continued walking. "When you said when we have a family did you really mean that?" She asked me. "Well yeah if you do get pregnant I will stay by your side forever I won't just walk out on you I love you too much to do that." I said she smiles lightly. Then we have entered school.

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