Chapter 22

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Calum's POV

We were walking to the to the park and I was holding Alyssa's hand and making sure any guy who passes us knows that she's mine. When we got to the park I ran to the swings. I heard Alyssa chuckle at my childness behavior. She sat on the swing next to me. "I bet I can go higher than you." I said. "What do I get when I win?" Alyssa asked. "A kiss." I said. "Same goes to you." Alyssa said. Then we started swinging.  Alyssa started going higher then I caught up to her. She slowed down and got off the swing.

"I win." I said. Then she ran. "You have to catch me." She yelled. I smiled and ran after her. After catching her and picking her up and spinning her around I put her down. "Now pay up." I said. She started leaning in. Right when our lips were about to touch she stopped and smirked at me. Ugh I'm so eager to kiss her. She is such a tease. Then she walked away. "Wait." I say. "What." She said. I cupped her face and brought our lips together.

After I pulled away I smiled at her. "Don't do that to me again." I said. "Do what again." She said. "You know what." I said. She giggled. "Ok I won't do it again." She said then winked at me. "Stop doing that to me." I said. "What am I doing?" She asked like she didn't know. "Just stop doing what you're doing I can't contain myself." I said.

She came closer to me our bodies touching. I wrapped my arms around her waist. Then she pulled away. She looked at me then giggled. "What?" I questioned her. "You're friend wants to play." She giggled. I looked down. Aw shit. "Do you want to go home?" She asked. "Yes." I said, embarrassed.

When we got home I found a not attached to the door.

Calum I have gone to visit your sister at college won't be back till tomorrow
Love Mum.

"Ok we have the place to our self what do you want to do." She said. I smirked.

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