Chapter 37

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Alyssa's POV

I woke up and took a shower. I got out and had my hair down and curled it. I walked out and felt a pair of arms around my waist I looked and it was Calum. He pecked my cheek. "Happy Birthday." He said. "Oh yeah forgot it was my birthday." I say scratching my head. "How can you forget your birthday?" He asked. "I just don't like making a big deal, I'm 23 I'm just getting older Cal." I say. "Well it's your birthday we are going out for breakfast put your shoes on and lets go." He says.

We walk to the café hand in hand. We sat down and ordered. "So how does it feel like being 23?" Calum asked. I shrug. "Calum when we get older will you still love me the same." I ask. "I plan on it your mine and I will do anything to protect you." Calum smiles. A blush formed on my cheeks. "You look cute when you blush." Calum said which made me blush even harder. I heard him chuckle.

Calum's POV

I love it when she blushes or when she does anything. I love having her to myself and being her first I love her beautiful body. I was interrupted by the waiter bringing our food. We ate and we shared a milkshake. We left a tip and headed to the movies. We are watching a scary movie I didn't tell Alyssa because she hates scary movies so I can be a good boyfriend and comfort her. "What movie are we watching?" She asked. "You'll see." I smirk. We enter the theater and sat in our seats. I show her the tickets with the movie name on it and she gasped. "I hate scary movies Calum." She exclaims. "Don't worry I'll be here for you." I say. "Every time I see a scary movie I always end up crying this is why I hate Halloween." She explains.

Half way through the movie I had my arm around Alyssa and her head buried in my chest. "Alyssa are you okay." I whisper. "No." Her voice trembles. "Alyssa lets leave okay." I say and she nods. We walk back to the car and she sits in her seat. Still crying I hear her quiet sobs every now and then it was still daytime it was 3 and the party starts at 9. I park in my drive way. She walks out and hugs me. "I'm sorry Alyssa I didn't know you were that scared."

"Alyssa are you okay." I ask. "P-pan-ic att-a-ck" She says in between breathes. I carry her inside and lay her on the couch. "Alyssa I don't know what to do." I yelled she pointed to her bag and I dug through it and found it and Alyssa took it. She gasped. "I only have panic attacks when I get really scared which is another reason why I hate halloween." She states.

I nod as to I get what she's saying. She gave me a tight hug. "Thank you." She said. "Anytime baby." "Okay we need to invite our friends to your birthday party." I say. "Right." She says and pulls out her phone. She invited Sophia,Olivia and other people who I don't know. I invited Adam, Kaleb, Ashton, Luke, Michael and more and our friends our bringing friends so we'll see how that turns out.

"Let's go buy you a dress." I say. "Really you want to go dress shopping." She scoffs. "Yeah why not it could be fun." I shrug. "Okay but just so you know I'm very picky and it can take a while." She states. "You don't have to go I can go by myself I don't want you to be bored." She says. "I know for a fact that I won't be bored because I'm going to looking at my beautiful girlfriend trying on dresses so let's go." I take her hand and lead us to my car.

We entered the mall hand in hand and headed to the dresses. We went in and I saw so many dresses. I saw ugly ones beautiful ones long ones short ones sparkly ones and a whole lot more. How do girls do this? "I'm going to try these on." Alyssa says holding about ten dresses. "We just got here literally 5 seconds ago and you have 10 dresses." I say. "I'll show you every dress I try on because I want your opinion." She states.

Alyssa's POV

First dress I tried on was a silver one but it had frays at the end. I walked out. "What do you think?" I ask. "Uh-I like-no wait I don't like it." He said stuttering. "Okay to be honest I wasn't feeling it either and don't be so nervous." I say. "I'm sorry I just don't know how these things work." He stutters. I walk back in trying on a navy blue dress it reached about mid-thigh. I kinda like this one. I walk out. "What do you think?" I say as I spin around. "Ooh I like that one it complements your curves really well." He says. "You sound like a girl where did you get that from." I laugh. "I heard my sister say it once." He shrugs.


Calum's POV

We got back it was 8 and I had to set up the party. "Calum which eyeshadow should I use?" Alyssa asked. "Are you going to start asking me for all the girly stuff?" I ask. "Just please tell me which one." "None you look really beautiful without any makeup." I say. She groans. "You're no help." She walks away I just laugh.


The party is almost over we just had some cake and there is at least 70 people here. "Every one can I get your attention please!" I yell through the crowd and I hear the music lower down. I gulp when I see all eyes on me. "I have something for the birthday girl." I point to Alyssa. "Alyssa I love you so much baby I know we have been through a lot we have made it so far we had our ups and downs throughout the whole way but you stuck by me and I stuck by you I told you I will always protect you no matter what and that's what I will always do I don't know what I would do with out you, you changed my life I knew I loved you since day one and I wanted to say Happy Birthday and." I got down on one knee I heard everyone gasp including Alyssa. "Will you marry me?" "Yes Calum Thomas Hood I will marry you." She answered. I slipped on the ring on her finger and we kissed passionately. The whole crowd cheered.

"So this is what you have been planing along." She says. I nod with a smile. "Congrats dude." Ashton walks up to us. "Thanks Ash." I say. "Be good to her." Ashton whispers. "Don't worry I will." I reply. "That's my Calum." Ashton says patting my back. "Congratulations Calum." Luke and Michael walk up to us. "Thanks." I say. "My baby is growing up so fast." Michael says. Luke and Michael went up to Alyssa and Luke kissed one cheek as Michael kissed the other. Alyssa smirked at me. She got both heads and pressed them together so Luke and Michael met lips. Their eyes widen open. "You are so mischievous just like Calum no wonder you guys are perfect for each other." Luke states.

Alyssa and I were making out and we decided to take it up stairs. We entered another room and saw Luke and Michael making out they didn't even notice. "Since when are you guys gay?" I ask they were startled. "How long have you been standing there?" They asked. "Enough time to see you were sucking each other's faces." I say.

"Well we were always dating we just wanted to keep it a secret." Luke said. "Okay we'll talk more, continue." I say leaving with Alyssa as I lock the door. "Calum?" I know this is soon and we have no money but I want kids." She says. "Really." She nods scared for my response. "So do I." There was a wash of relief on her. "Lets go make some." I say going to my bedroom.

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