Chapter 39

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Calum's POV

I just experienced the miracle of life and can I just say, wow. Our wedding was next week. "So how our you feeling Alyssa?" I ask her. "I feel like shit I probably look dead I don't know how you can look at me." She says holding Ryan. "You still look very beautiful, you do look dead." I say keeping my eyes on the road. "Shut up!" He yells hitting my arm playfully.

We drove into the driveway and we entered the house. We came and we saw Mali, and my mum. "Oh my gosh I'm a grandma!" My mum yells. "I'm Auntie Mali-Koa!" Mali shouts. The both of them took off with Ryan while we go upstairs. We both lay on the bed. "Alyssa go to sleep you need it." I say. She rolls her eyes. "Are you sure." She says. I nod. With that, she instantly fell asleep.

I walk downstairs and see Mali holding him. "Mali, mum I'm going to Michaels be back in awhile!" I shout but I doubt they heard me. I drove to Michaels house for our first band practice. Once we got there we waited for Ashton. We waited 5 minutes we saw Ashton come in the driveway on his push bike. "What's up with the push bike." I laugh. "Its very cool don't judge." He says.

"Okay first things first if we are going to be in a band we need a band name." Michael speaks. "Okay how about Swallow the Goldfish." Ashton says. We shake our heads. "White eskimo." I say. They shake their heads. "Oh what about 5 seconds of summer." Michael says. "That's pretty catchy." I say. "I like it." Luke says. "Yeah, no help to you." I say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes.

"Oh my uncle is a music producer and we can show him and see if he can produce us." Ashton says. We nod. "It's a good thing he's in town." He says. Ashton gives him a call and it lasted a few seconds before he hung up. "My uncle is in his way he says to have everything ready." Ashton says.

We go in Michaels garage and set everything up. "What song are we going to do?" I ask. "Ah shit I knew we forgot something." Michael says. "Let's do American Idiot by Green day we know that song." Luke says. "Okay it's all we got."


We got signed we can make music videos sell out arenas sell albums oh my gosh. When we were done fangirling we went home. I entered my home to see Mali and my mum passed out on the couch with Ryan. I take Ryan and bring him upstairs to Alyssa. Alyssa is still sleeping but can you blame her she just gave birth. "Look Ryan there's your beautiful mum I love her you'll understand when you get older." I say.

I hear a groan coming from Alyssa. Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me. "Hey Alyssa guess what." I say. "What." "Me and the guys are going to be famous we just met with a music producer and he said he'll sign us and also our band name is call 5 Seconds of Summer." I say. "That's amazing news now we'll have money to support the child." She says I nod. "But now I feel bad because I'm not working." She frowns.

"Don't feel bad I don't mind actually I just want you to be happy." I shrug she smiles. "How about this, since it's almost midnight I'll take a shower and we can sleep with Ryan." She says I nod.

Once she was done she came in the bed with me and Ryan who was still sleeping. I put the blanket over all of us and we all fell asleep.

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