Chapter 40

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Calum's POV

I was standing at the altar looking at Alyssa walking down with Ashton since her dad couldn't do it. Alyssa had a beautiful white dress just passing her knees. I asked her why she didn't want a long dress she simply answered 'Because I don't want to trip' but she still looks beautiful. Once Alyssa and Ashton reached me and Ashton spoke,"Take good care of her." He says. "I always will." I replied. Ashton kissed her on the cheek and made his way to his seat.


"I do." I spoke

"I do." Alyssa said

"You may kiss the bride."


We were at the house where we got kidnapped we thought this can be our house we have two other bedrooms one for Ryan and maybe one for another child but we have to get some money first.

Alyssa's POV

I was on the balcony watching the sunset with a cup of tea. I love this view it's very beautiful, the sky filled with a mix of purple, pink, and a little bit of orange. I felt arms snake around my waist. I looked to my left and saw Calum resting his head on my shoulder. "I love this view don't you." He said. "Yeah it is really beautiful I love how the colors mix perfectly." I say. "You know you're really beautiful you know that right." He says. I laughed and nodded.

We went back inside and sat down on the bed. I went for a sip of my tea but Calum took it and drank it himself. He gave it back to me, empty. "Yeah okay I'll make another." I say and go downstairs. I sat the cup on the counter. Calum came behind me, his arms around my waist as I pour the water in the kettle. "You know I love you right." He said laughing. "Do you love me?" He asked. I poured the water from the kettle in a cup and put the tea bag in and let it settle for a couple minutes.

"Do you love me?" He repeated. I ignored him, playing around. "You don't love me." He said pretending to cry. I laughed. I went to him and pecked his lips. "Of course I love you." I said going back in the kitchen for my tea. We went upstairs and sat on the bed again. "Good because if not we would have a problem." He laughed.

I went for my sip and once again Calum drank it. He gave it to me empty. "I'm not even going to make another one." I say giving up. He just laughed. "Are you going to do that with every drink I have?" I asked. He nodded. "I'll just share with you." I say. We were about to kiss then we heard crying. "Guess who's up from their nap." Calum says. I go to the baby's room and pick him up from the crib.

I sit on a chair and burped him. I fed him some formula and soon enough he was asleep. I sighed. "You look a lot like your daddy." I say smiling. "If you like a girl, be there for her be the best boy you can be, and if she breaks your heart I will slap her." I say. I hear laughing, I look up and I see Calum. "He has your nose." Calum says. "He has your eyes." I say.

"Here take a shower you have that new baby smell and I'll take care of the baby." Calum says. "Oh thanks Calum." I say sarcastically.

Calum's POV

I rock the baby in my arms for awhile. I put him back in the crib and go back to the room. Alyssa came from the bathroom. "Omg Calum feel my legs!!" She yelled. I laughed and felt her legs and they were damn soft. "I know soft right I just shaved my legs." She says. She pecks my lips her breath smelt minty which I found really attractive. She smiled at me and said," Your turn."


I got out of the shower and saw Alyssa in bed. I dried myself, did my nightly routine and went in bed with Alyssa. She turns to me and smiles. "I love you Alyssa." "I love you too Calum." She says back. I kiss her forehead. "Goodnight babe." I say. "Goodnight."

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