Chapter 4

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I was so scared for today. I knew Calum was going to get what I deserve that's what he calls it or some other thing, but I didn't know when he was. That's what scared me the most. I cautiously walked down the hall, gripping my notebooks and my textbook for English. Luckily, I didn't see him which was awesome. But he did have English with me. And that little fucked decides to sit right next to me. I tried my best to ignore him, but he kept talking until the teacher finally arrived.

"Meet me by the bleachers after school." He said in a harsh tone.

I just nodded getting more scared than I already was and I think he knew too because a smirk formed on his face.


English was hell, well, so was Maths, PE, Chemistry, and History. Basically Calum makes everything hell. Now I'm walking to the bleacher and I saw no one. Until, five minutes later when they all came. Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum. I gulped nervously. Luke and Ashton held my wrist back so I couldn't move. Michael covered my mouth so I couldn't scream for help. He punched me in my stomach really hard. "Who's the whore now?" He grunted. I screamed, well it was muffled anyway, in pain. He did it a few more times until he finally walked away.

I don't really remember what happened yesterday after school, but I know I fucking hate Calum so much.
I walked out and enetered the school doors. I saw Calum. "H-Hey Calum." "Sup bitch." He said all harshly.

Then he punched, slapped, and kicked me in all of my places. All I said was hey. I was gaining some confidence and thought maybe if I was nicer to him, I thought he'd be my friend. I thought everything was my fault so I was planning on forgiving him, which was a stupid idea I don't know why I had that idea. "And to think I was going to forgive you." I say shaking my head.
"Like I care." Calum scoffed rolling his eyes. "Whatever." I said as I held back the tears. "Do you know how you said love me or love me not yesterday?" He asked grinning. "Yeah." I answer. "Well love me not bitch." He snickered then walked away.


I was looking for Alyssa but she wasn't there. I don't know why I was looking for her, I just like seeing her even though I bully her constantly. So I went to talk to my friends. "Hey Calum." Alyssa said coming up from behind me. "Sup bitch." I said harshly. Then I punched, kicked, and slapped her in places where girls should never be hit, slapped or kicked.And to think I was going to forgive you." She said.

Fuck! I blew my chance. I'm such a fuck up. "Like I care." I spat. "Whatever." She rolled her eyes. "Do you know how you said love me or love me not yesterday?" "Yeah." She answered. "Well love me not bitch." I laughed then walked away. Now she will hate me forever. I think she did hate me, but she definitely will hate me even more. Why did I do that? My one chance and now it's gone forever. Ugh! I think she'll give me a second chance.

No she won't. I'm being such a dick to her and she did nothing. I'm such a screw up. I hate myself right now. I groaned to myself. I decided to skip today so I went home to think about everything. Everything little thing, everything I should do, everything I should make right, and everything I fucked up.

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