Chapter 11

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Calum's POV

We started packing and by the time we were done it was almost noon. We put our stuff downstairs. We got our stuff and went downstairs and put our suitcases in the car.

We went to say goodbye. "Calum here's some money to last." My mum said. "Be careful." "Thanks and I will." I smiled at her. "Bye Alyssa." "Bye Mrs. Hood." "Bye Calum." "Bye mum." I hugged her. We went outside and said goodbye one last time.

Unknown's POV

I saw them pack their luggage into a car and from that moment I knew they were running away. I headed to the prison and checked in for visitors. "Who are you visiting." They asked me. "Rick Moore." "Rick you got a visitor." They brought him over to the phone. "Hey Rick." "Hey." "So what do you got?" He asked me.

"I found out your daughter Alyssa and her boyfriend are running away so when you get out of jail you won't be able to find them." "Ok for now I want you to follow them until I get out of jail and I'll meet you where they are." "Ok." "Visiting hours are over." "Ok bye Rick." "Bye."

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