Chapter 31

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Calum's POV

We walk in hand in hand heading to our lockers which is pretty far away. I give her a hug. "I'm going to miss you." I say. "You are just going to your locker." She says. "I know." I say. "You're a dork now go to your locker." She says. I kiss her on the cheek then leave. I headed towards my locker to get my first class textbook out first. Math I hate math the only thing I have learned so far about Math is that I hate Math. I was walking back to Alyssa but Ashton Luke and Michael were talking to me so I got caught up with them.

Alyssa's POV

I was getting my textbook for Math out. I took my jacket off since it always gets warm in the class room and set it on the bottom of the locker. Some one tapped my shoulder I turned around and saw Molly one of the popular sluts. "So you're still dating Calum is that right." She says. I nod slowly. I think this conversation is off to a good start. "I'm surprised he hadn't left you yet because you're a little slut." She says. But then again I can be wrong.

"Speaking of the girl who has slept with every single guy." I say. "The only guy you haven't slept with is Calum I bet you're jealous that you can't have him." I smirk at her. "Well he doesn't like sluts he is going to dump you." She says. "Considering he hasn't dated you makes you right." I say. Then I felt a sting on my cheek. "Next time don't act so confident." She says then struts away. Tears fell on the tile floor but I can't stay here.

I got up and made my way to Math. Which means I have to past Calum. I went towards him keeping my head down hoping he wouldn't notice but he did. "Alyssa are you ok you look like you've been crying?" He asks sounding worried. "No I haven't I'm fine." I say keeping a hand on my cheek just hoping we wouldn't notice. "Why does it look like you're covering something up on your cheek." Michael says. I send him a death glare.

"Take your hand off your cheek." He says. I sigh as I lift my hand from my cheek. He gasped. "Who did this to you!?" He asked. "Who do you think." I say looking at Molly. "It's okay." I say. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Positive." I say. Then the bell rang signaling us to class. Me and Calum had Math also with Ashton. Michael and Luke had history.

We sat in our seats and waited for the teacher to come in the classroom. "Ok I know it's almost the end of the year but I want to switch up the seats." Our teacher says. We all nod. "Bobby switch with Calum. Ashton switch with Lucy. Maddy switch with Michelle. Ok I know I didn't switch all of you but we need to start Math." She says. She turned on the brand new board but she couldn't get it working. "Just talk with your partner until I get this working." She says we all nod. I didn't have anyone to talk to since she switched Calum with Bobby.

I was doing some of my other homework I didn't get to but I felt Bobby's hand creep up my thigh. I slapped it off. He put it back on my thigh his hand going higher. "Don't you fucking try anything or else something bad will happen to you." He says. I took a gulp. His hand went under my skirt. Why did Calum have to pick a skirt today? I ask myself. My silent tears kept hitting my papers I couldn't make any noise. He kept going further he reached my panties. "Who made you this wet because I know I didn't." He smirks. He moved my panties aside and stuck two fingers inside. I sobbed quietly. He took his fingers out without any one looking he licked his fingers. Finally the bell rang.

I went to my locker and switched books for my next class. I saw Calum walking up to me. "What did Bobby do to you." He asks furious. "How did you know?" I ask. The whole class saw and everybody is talking about it." He says. "What did he do to you?" He asked again. Tears began to run down my face. "H-he touched me." I say quietly but loud enough for Calum to hear and he stormed of.

I walked to my next class and I saw Ashton. "Hey Ash have you seen Calum?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Did you know the school is talking about what Bobby did to you." He says. "I know I don't want to talk about it." I say. "Do you need a hug?" He asks I nod. He gave me a tight hug it was just what I needed. "Thank you Ashton." I say. He nods. "Guys Calum's in a fight with Bobby." Michael says.

We followed him to the cafeteria. There was a big huddled I assumed that was where Calum was. I squeezed my way through the crowd. "Don't fucking touch my girl!" Calum yelled at Bobby as he threw a punch to his face. He crawled away from Calum dragged him towards him. "If I see you anywhere near my girl I will fucking end you got it!" He yelled. Bobby nodded and ran away. "Calum why'd you do that?" I asked. "He fucking touched you he can't do that only I can." he winked.


Calum's POV

School was over so Alyssa and I walked home. "Calum I just want to thank you for sticking up for me." Alyssa says. "Of course you know I'd do anything for you." I say. "Really you would do anything for me?" She asks. "Yes Alyssa I would take a bullet for you, I love you so much." I say. We entered our house and my mum was still at work. We went upstairs then I found a note attached to my door.

Dear Calum and Alyssa,
I won't be back until Saturday so Mali is coming over tomorrow taking a break from college to visit. Oh and by the way Calum use protection.
Love, Mum.

I chuckled to myself. "What?" Alyssa asked. I showed her the note. "This is why I love your mum." She smiled. "I can't wait to meet your sister." She said. "I miss her I haven't seen her in a while." I say. "You will see her tomorrow though." "Well we have the whole day to ourselves." I wink. She giggles as she shakes her head. "Calum?" She called. "Yes." I answer her back. "Will your sister like me?" She asked. I smile. "Of course she will love you." I say kissing her forehead.

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