Chapter 16

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Alyssa's POV

Calum and I were alone in the basement. "C-Calum." I called for him. "Yes." He answered back. "What if we never get out of here?" I ask. "Don't you say that Alyssa we are going to get out don't worry." He assured me and kissed my forehead.

Rick's Partner's POV (aka unknown)

I can't stand them being down there. What did they ever do to Rick. I went outside away from the house. I dialed 9-1-1. "9-1-1 whats your emergency." "Let me talk to Detective Mcneil." I spoke into the phone. "Mcneil." He spoke into the phone. "I know you are working on a case about two teenagers being kidnapped." I say. "Who is this?" He asked. Not important." I say. "I know where Alyssa and Calum are." I said, looking out for Rick. "Where are they?" He asked. "We are somewhere in the woods. Somewhere where you will never find us." I say.

"Where would that be." Mcneil said through the phone. "Trace the call and find out for yourself." I say, making sure Rick doesn't see me. "I'll call back in exactly 3 hours be ready." I said. Then I hung up.

Detective Mcneil's POV

"Please tell me you traced the call Kevin." "Sorry sir too late." He sighed. "Ok we got three hours till the next call lets be ready." I say, they nodded. "Ok the man we are looking for is about his early 40s to his late 50s he blends in with the crowd." I say. "You wouldn't suspect him as the type of guy to kidnap his own daughter but, he is and he has a partner." I said. "This is what he looks like." I said while showing them the sketch.

*3 hours later*

Detective Mcneil's POV

We were waiting for the call. Until we finally heard the ringing. "Kevin are we good to go?" I asked. "Yes sir." He nodded looking at his computer. "Line 1 guys." I answered the phone. "So where are they." I spoke with a stern voice. "Eager are we." He laughed into the phone. "Got it sir." Kevin said. "We will find you, you sick bastard and we will get the kids." "You can but they are already dead." Then he hung up.

"Where's the address Kevin" I said. "121011 Sydney road." He said. "Lets go guys!" I shout and a few police cars were following me. Then we were off.

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