Chapter 19

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Day 2

Calum's POV

We were running as fast as we could. This is our last day if he catches us that's it for us. We were already out of breath. Our faces were dirty our clothes had rips in them and were all muddy.

I just wanted to find a street. We were running up a hill so we can see where we are. We are at the top of the hill and I could see a road not far. I told Alyssa and pointed it out. We ran towards it. We heard a gun shot and I saw Alyssa lying on the floor.

She had been shot. She was bleeding quickly. I ripped a piece of of my shirt and tied it around her wound. I picked her up and carried her all the way to the road. I was finally at the road.

There was a car coming I started screaming at it. The car stopped fro me. "Oh my gosh what happened." The person asked. "She needs a hospital." I said desperately. "Right." He nodded.

I went in the car and sat down. I felt relieved. "Whats your name." He asked me. "My name is Calum Hood and this is my girlfriend Alyssa Moore." I say. "Wait aren't you the two missing kids on the news." The girl said. "Yes we are." I said catching my breath. She picked up her phone and dialed a number.

I heard her speak on the phone but I didn't listen I was focused on Alyssa. We soon arrived at the hospital. We parked and rushed in the hospital. When I entered the first thing that happened was nurses and doctors surrounded us.

They took Alyssa in surgery and they took me in a different room to examine me to make sure I was ok and that I didn't have any broken parts. After all the examination was done I saw my mum.

"Mum!" I screamed, crying. She ran to me. We hugged. "Calum I've missed you. I thought you were never coming back." She said while sobbing. "I could never leave you." I say. "Where's Alyssa?" She asked. "She got shot so she's in surgery. What if she doesn't make it she's the girl I love. I can't lose her she means everything to me she means to much." I said.

"Don't worry she will be fine." My mom assured me. "I hope she is." I mumbled to myself. After waiting patiently the doctor came in. "Alyssa Moore." He said. We stood up. "Well she lost alot of blood but she managed to save her she's in room 1211 you can go see her and you can check her out today but make sure she gets her medicine." The doctor said.

We nodded. We walked to room 1211 it was only a few rooms down. We walked in and Alyssa was awake. "Alyssa!" I screamed and gave her a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever." I said even though we just saw each other. She laughed at my joke.

Alyssa's POV

"I haven't seen you in forever." Calum said. I laughed at his joke. "We just saw each other." I said. "Hi Joy." I said to Calum's mum. "Hi Alyssa how are you feeling?" She asked. "My leg hurts but I've been worse." I say. "I'll leave you two alone. I'll get her medication and sign you out." His mum said. Then she left. "Alyssa I love you so much." Calum said. "I love you so much too Calum." I said. "Ok I got your medication and I signed the papers. Lets go home." Joy said.

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