Chapter 28

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Alyssa's POV

I woke up took a shower did my hair put a little make up on brushed my teeth and got dressed. I decided to skip breakfast so I put my shoes on and head out the door. Once I've entered I was one of the few people here. I headed to my locker and I saw Calum. "Hi Cal." I said. He came up to me and slapped me. I winced in pain. "I hate you slut don't talk to me again!" He yelled.

He started hitting me. I was already on the floor. He kept on kicking my stomach. "Calum what did I do wrong?" I asked. "Everything you do is wrong, you are worthless and you don't deserve to be alive!" He yelled. I could already feel the tears swelling up in my eyes. Calum picked me up and pinned me against the locker. "Meet me behind the school right after school and don't be late." He said. He threw me one last punch to my stomach and left with a smirk on his face.


I was at my last class of the day and I was so terrified. I honestly didn't want it to end. But unfortunately, the bell rang. I packed up my stuff and headed out the door. I grabbed my stuff out of my locker and headed outside and went to the back of the school. I was the first one there so I sat down. After about 5 minutes Calum arrived. "Stand up!" He yelled. I stood up shaking more than ever.

He came up close to me making me back up. I bumped into Ashton. He and Michael held both my arms Luke was no where to be found. Calum threw a punch right in the center of my stomach. He threw a few more until I finally dropped down on the floor. Michael, Ashton, and Calum were all kicking me in places where places shouldn't be kicked. My tears where hitting the grass every minute more and more comes out. Then I knocked out.

"How come we are beating her up again?" Someone asked. "Because she kissed another guy." I'm guessing Calum spoke. "You guys broke up she can kiss anyone who she wants." Another person said. "But I still love her I can't get over her no girl has never made me feel that way before I was going to win her back but I saw her kissing the other guy." Calum said. I fluttered my eyes open and surrounding me were Michael and Ashton.

"Who was the guy you were kissing the other day!" Calum yelled. "He was just an old friend he kissed me and why do you care we broke up!" I yelled back. "I still love you Alyssa I never stopped loving you." Calum sniffled. "I still love you too but you made too many mistakes you broke my heart lots of times I'm not forgiving you until you prove yourself." I said back to him. "I was going to prove myself but you were too busying making out with someone else so you wouldn't care." He said softly.

I came closer to him. Before I could be slapped me. "GO!" He yelled at me. I left and left a trail of tears behind me. I went to my old house and saw something sticking out of the trash can. I took it and  it was a bouquet of roses and with it was a note. I opened it and started to read it.

Dear Alyssa,
I still love you so much I made too many mistakes I want you back but you don't want me back. If you do want me back I promise I will stop getting drunk I have never realized it before but every time I get drunk bad things happens. But the point is I love you so damn much I have never felt like this before I don't know what to do all I really wanted to know is that I love you.
From the one and only, Calum.

I hurt Calum so much than he hurt me. I can't believe it. I looked across from me I saw Calum peeking through the window. But he quickly closed the curtain. I went back inside and decided to sleep it off.

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