Chapter 32

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Calum's POV

Alyssa and I came home from school and right when we came home I saw Mali in the kitchen. "Mali!" I yelled running to her giving her a tight hug. "I missed you so much." I say. "I missed you too Cal." She says. "Is this Alyssa the one you can never stop talking about." Mali says. "Yep that's her." I say proudly. "Alyssa this is Mali, Mali this is Alyssa." I introduce them.

"Cal really loves you it's good he's moved on from the incident." Mali says. "What incident." Alyssa says. "Mali why'd you tell her!" I screamed. "I thought she knew." She says. "Well she has to know now!" I yell. Mali stomped upstairs into her room. "Alyssa I'm sorry I didn't tell you I have to find the right time just please understand." I say. She nods. "Don't worry take your time there's no rush." She smiles. "That's why I love you, you never rush me." I say.

"You better go apologize to Mali I'll be in your room okay." She said I nodded. We both went upstairs she went to the end of the hall to my room as I went to Mali's room at the other end of the hall. I knocked. "Come in." I heard. "Mali I'm sorry for snapping at you I just haven't told Alyssa yet I need to find the right time." I say. "It's okay but you need to tell her soon." She says. "I will thanks Mali for forgiving me." I say. You're welcome Cal." She said and gave me a hug.

I went to my room and saw Alyssa laying on my bed facing the ceiling. I jumped in bed with her sending her to fly in the air a few inches high. I heard her giggle at my action. We both went on our sides facing each other. "Calum." She said. "Yes." "You do love me right?" She asked. "Of course why do you keep asking me that." I say. She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know my father said no one would ever love me and that I will never find love because I'm not what he calls beautiful. He always says that I'm a worthless daughter." She says looking ashamed.

"Look Alyssa I love you I always will love you there won't be a day that I won't stop loving you, you are so perfect and beautiful that I never thought I'd find anyone as perfect and beautiful as you." I say. She smiles to herself. "Thanks Calum I love you." "I love you too Alyssa." She looked out the window just staring at the outside. "Look the sunset it's beautiful." She says watching the colorful sky turn into a dark blue night. "Can I take a shower tomorrow?" She asks. I nod. She went in the restroom and came back out with pajamas and a messy bun.

I went in the restroom and brushed my teeth washed my face and put my pajamas on as well. I went out and saw Alyssa jumping on the bed. I chuckled. "You're such an idiot Alyssa." I smirk. "But I'm your Idiot." She says. "You are and always will be." I say. She stops jumping and sits down on the bed. I sit next to her and bring her on my lap. "Look Alyssa I haven't been completely honest with you."

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