Chapter 18

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Day 1

Alyssa's POV

I woke up and Calum was asleep leaning against the tree. I decided to let him sleep. I stood up and redid my hair. Since we were going to be running I put it in a high ponytail. Then I felt a smack on my bum. I gasped.

I turned around to see a smiling Calum. "Why did you do that for?" I asked. "Because you're mine and only I could do that." He did a playful smirk. "So you're saying you're going to do it again." I ask. "Maybe." He said being the cheeky person he is.

I put out the fire and messed it up so Rick doesn't know we were here. "Are you ready." Calum said then I nodded.

Calum's POV

I woke up and Alyssa was doing her hair. I smacked her bum. She gasped. "Why did you do that?" She asked. "Because you're mine and only I could do that." I playfully smirked. "So you're saying you're going to do it again?" She asked. "Maybe." I say grinning. "Are you ready?" I asked and she nodded.

We were walking when we heard a gunshot. I looked to my right and I saw a bullet in the trunk of the tree. I looked behind me and in the distance I saw a guy holding a gun. It was probably Rick.

"Run!" I yelled at Alyssa. We started running faster than we have ever ran before. Once we finally lost them we slowed down. "Which way should we go?" Alyssa asked. "Lets go right." I said. Then we walked to the right.

We were running most of the day. I saw it was getting late. This day went by quick. Rick said he would give us 2 days. Today is day 1 which means that we are either going to escape tomorrow or die. Then we heard someone talking on the megaphone. "This is the end of day 1 tomorrow is your last chance." I'm guessing that was Rick.

Alyssa's POV

"This is the end of day 1 tomorrow your last chance." Rick probably said in a megaphone. "Ok let rest here." I said. Calum nodded. We set up another fire. When we were done and the fire was lit we were deciding who was going to stay up and watch.

"Calum let me do it you did it last night. You must be tired." I say. "But I want to do it." He said. "Calum I'm doing get some rest that is final." I said. Calum caved in and rested his head on my thighs.

"I love you Alyssa." Calum spoke before going to sleep. "I love you too Calum." I spoke softly smiling knowing he heard me. I played with his fluffy hair for awhile.

There were a few things I was scared of like clowns, spiders, bees, most of all sharks but the dark wasn't one of them. The dark intrested me I just loved it how a lot of animals are nocturnal and how they have a special way of getting food in the dark. I sigh getting bored. I was looking are and there was nothing to do. I hope this night goes fast.

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