Chapter 35

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*4 Years Later*

Calum's POV

Alyssa and I just graduated College and I'm so proud of what we accomplished. Right now I'm currently making my way to my mum and Alyssa. Alyssa was sitting on a wall talking to my mum. So I sat next to her. "Calum I've missed you!" My mum yelled. "We did it Cal we graduated college!" Alyssa screamed. "I know I'm so proud of us!" "Let me take a picture then we have to get all of your stuff and put it in the trunk and go home." My mum says.

Alyssa's POV

We took a few pictures and we headed to Alyssa's dorm first. I walked in since college was over and helped her pack. I saw Sophia and Adam, and Olivia and Kaleb. "Alyssa I can't believe it we graduated college it seems like just yesterday we first moved in here." Sophia screams. "I know it's crazy." I say as I pack the last of my stuff. "Here have my number." I say exchanging my number with Sophia and Olivia. "Oh here have my number." Sophia says handing me a piece of paper. "Mine to." Olivia says.

"Joy can you take a picture of Sophia, Olivia, and I please." I ask. "Of course." "You better send that to us." Olivia says. "I will don't worry." "Joy it's Cal's turn to take a picture." I say. "Oh yea." "Come on boys picture time." Joy says. "You have to send that to me Calum." Adam speaks. "I will." He said. I put my bags in the trunk of Joys car. Now we headed off to Calum's dorm. Once we entered we saw Sophia, Adam, Kaleb, and Olivia.

I helped Calum pack his stuff and took one of his bags to the trunk. He put the other in himself. "I'm going to miss you guys." I say to Olivia and Sophia. "I'm going to miss you man." I hear Calum say. "Calum are you crying." I say. "What o-of course not." He says and we all laugh. "Come on we have to go." Joy says. We said our byes and headed towards the car. "It's a good thing I took off my graduation suit I feel free." I say. "I know." He replies. I lean my head on his shoulders and he intertwines our hands together. He fiddles with my fingers while the car is silent. "Are you tired we have a long way home?" He asks. I nod. "Go to sleep babe." He says I nod.

Calum's POV

"Mum I really love Alyssa and I want to ask a favor." I say. "Sure what's that honey." She said. "Well I am old enough and I want to buy a ring and propose to Alyssa do you think I should wait?" I ask her. "Well if you really love her and she really loves you, both of you will stay together forever so do want you want honey." She says. I love how my mum knows what to say. "Okay I'll do it but can you come with me." I ask. "Of course."


"Alyssa wake up." I shake her. "Hmmm." She mumbles. "You know what I'll just carry you." I say. By the time we got here it was about 9 I think. I carry her upstairs and lay her on my bed. I went to do my nightly routine and went to get dressed in my pajamas which is weird since I sleep in my boxers so they're really not pajamas. I walked out to see Alyssa sitting up on the bed. "Is it my turn?" She asked half asleep. "Yes."

When she was done I was waiting for her in bed. "Calum can I use a shirt." Alyssa says only in her lingerie. I look at her up and down until I realized I have kept her waiting. "Oh um uh y-yea." I cough. I give her my All time low t-shirt and it barely reach to the middle of her thighs. I lay in bed as she gets in next to me. I lift her on to my stomach and pull the covers over the both of us.

"I'm not hurting am I?" She asked. "No not even close." I say. She looks into my eyes and pecks my lips multiple times. She nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck and kisses my neck. I protectively wrap my arms around her. "Good night Cal I love you." She says. "Good night Alyssa I love you too." I say then we fall asleep.

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