Chapter 20

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Calum's POV

We were at home at last. "I'll make lunch." My mum said. "Okay we'll be in my room." I said to her. Alyssa was in front of me and I saw her limp up the stairs and every now and then wince. We went in my room and she sat down on my bed.

"I'm sorry Calum this is all my fault." "How is this your fault." I asked. "I shouldn't have gotten you involved." She said. "Are you crazy you are my girlfriend and I have to protect you. I won't let you leave my side." I said. She smiled. We heard a knock at the door. "Come in." I said. "Here is your lunch." My mum said. "Thanks." We said. "Lets play truth or dare." I said.

She nodded. "Truth or dare." I said to Alyssa. "Truth." She said. "Did you have a boyfriend before me." I asked her. She froze. "Uh yes I did." She said not meeting my eyes. "Did something happen? I asked. She nodded. "Do you want to tell me." She shrugged.

"Well whatever happened did you at least tell somebody." She shook her head. "Then you should probably tell me to get it off your chest." I said. "Well before I moved here my life was already hell but my dad didn't abuse me. My boyfriend Tyler did. We used to date and he would abuse me. He didn't even like me he just wanted to make his ex jealous." I say. "And it worked. He got together with his ex and he used me."

"I never been so humiliated before in my life then I moved here and everything got even more worse." She said. "Because of me?" I asked. She barely nodded. I pulled her into a tight embrace. She was crying freely into my shirt.

Alyssa's POV

I cried into Calum's shirt. I felt him pick me up and place me on his bed. "Go to sleep you must be tired." He said. I took of my shoes and socks. "Can you turn around I need to change into pajamas." He turned around.

When I was done I saw Calum looking at me. "Were you staring at me?" I asked. "Maybe." He says. I rolled my eyes at him. "By the way you have a nice little bum." He smirked. A blush creeped on my face. "What about you aren't you going to change?" I asked. "Oh yeah." He changed and I was staring at him. "Enjoying the view." He said.

"No." I lied. "Liar." He said to me. He went into bed even though it was early like 7. But we were tired. "Calum how come you bullied me?" I asked even though I already asked him. "Uh I just didn't know how to express my feelings and as the days went by, my feelings grew but back then I didn't know what was happening so I just took it on you to see if they went away and they never did." He said. "Oh." I said. "Good night Alyssa." "Night Cal." Then we went to sleep.

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