Chapter 41

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2 years Later

"Ryan, Elizabeth dinner's ready!" Alyssa calls from downstairs. Ryan is 13 while Elizabeth is 3. "Lizzie, I'll race you downstairs!" Ryan says. Ryan he is really protective of his little sister, Lizzie. "Come catch me!" Lizzie says. Lizzie comes running downstairs as Ryan runs behind her. "Come on guys sit down." Alyssa says. "Mum what's for dinner?" Ryan asked. "Tacos." Alyssa replies.

"When is daddy coming home?" Lizzie asked. "Soon tour is almost done." Alyssa says kissing Lizzie cheek. "Now eat your tacos." Alyssa says. When they where done eating they cleaned the table and went to the living room. Alyssa was facing her back towards the door while her kids are facing towards the door.

Calum quietly comes through the door saying 'Shh' to his kids. "Daddy!" Lizzie yells. "No Lizzie daddy's on tour." Alyssa says. "Daddy!" Lizzie yells again. This time Alyssa turns around and sees Calum smiling. "Cal!" Alyssa yells. "Dad!" Ryan runs to Calum. "Daddy!" Lizzie runs to him. Calum picks her up and kisses her forehead.

They all sat on the floor criss crossed, not Calum he was wearing skinny jeans he claims they were too tight. "I thought you were coming home in two weeks." Alyssa says. "Surprise." Calum smiles and pecking her lips. "Eww." Lizzie yells. "Lizzie you are going to be kissing a boy when you grow up." Alyssa says. "No, no boys are yucky." Calum says sternly.

"Don't worry dad, if she gets her heart broken, I'll beat the guy up for you." Ryan says while Lizzie was in his lap. "Okay don't forget that." Calum says. "Do you guys want ice cream!" Alyssa yells. "Yay!" Lizzie yells. They all got into the car. They got their ice cream and decided to eat out side.

Lizzie got chocolate like always, Ryan he got rocky road, Alyssa got cookies and cream, and Calum got the same as Alyssa because he wanted to try something different. Calum really enjoyed his ice cream, he enjoyed it so much that he stole Alyssa's ice cream. "Yeah okay go ahead take my ice cream I didn't really like it anyway." Alyssa says sarcastically.

Calum laughed as he heard Alyssa's sarcasm. "Sorry babe, I really like this flavor." Calum says. Lizzie let out a shriek because she saw a bee. "Ryan there's a bee." Lizzie cries. "Don't worry Lizzie it won't get you." Ryan assured but right after he said that the bee stung Lizzie. She cried so hard it could fill the Grand Canyon.

But it was then, when Calum and Alyssa realized she was allergic to bees. They quickly got into the car and drove to the hospital.

They were in the room getting the allergy medicine for Lizzie just in case she gets stung again. They got the medicine and drove home. "I'm sorry Lizzie, I thought the bee wouldn't sting you." Ryan apologizes. "It's okay I still love you." Lizzie says.

They got home and entered the house. Ryan and Lizzie were watching their TV program as Alyssa and Calum were talking in the kitchen.

"Calum, how was your tour?" Alyssa asked. "It was amazing I wish you would have went to one but you were taking care of the kids." Calum says. "I know I wish I would have went." Alyssa says. They walked out of the kitchen and look at their children, Calum was admiring his beautiful family and his beautiful wife. Ryan and Lizzie fell asleep.

"I'll get Lizzie." Alyssa says. "I've got Ryan." Calum says. Alyssa and Calum put them in their room. They went downstairs watching their TV show. "Alyssa I'm glad we have a wonderful family." Calum says. "Yea me too."

"I love you Alyssa."

"I love you too Calum."

The End

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