Chapter 27

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Alyssa's POV

I wanted to start dating someone else to get my mind off of Calum but I couldn't I just have to move on. I decided to take a walk in the park. I sat down at my tree where I usually sit. I was looking at the grass then something blocked my sun. I looked up and saw this cute guy. "Uh Hi." I said. He sat down. "Hi my name is Logan and you are." Logan said. "I am Alyssa." I said.

Logan's POV

I was walking in the park and I saw this cute girl sitting alone by the tree. I walked up to her. "Uh hi." She said. I sat down. "Hi my name is Logan and you are." I spoke. " I am Alyssa." She spoke. A pretty name for a pretty girl. "I noticed you were sitting alone." I said. "I have absolutely no one." She said. "I could be a someone to you." I said. "I feel like I know you." She said. She does look familiar. "What is your last name." She said. "Smith." I said. "Wait Logan Smith." She said. "I'm Alyssa Moore we were best friends remember." She said. "Alyssa!" I yelled.

She got up and hugged me. "Do you want to go to my house?" She asked. I nodded. We entered her house and I followed her to the backyard. We both sat down on the grass. "How have you been?" She questioned. "I have been great I'm visiting my dad here." I said. She nodded. "At first I didn't recognize you, you changed a lot." I said. "Changed, is that a good thing." She said. "It is an awesome thing your even prettier." I said and she blushed.

We were just staring into each other's eyes. I was leaning in and so was she. We then connected out lips and moving at a relaxed pace. But it moved fast it turned into a full make out session.

Calum's POV

I had my flowers and pizza ready to win back Alyssa's heart. I went up to the door step and knocked. There was no answer. I went in since it was unlocked. I looked in the living room no one was there. I looked into the kitchen and it was also empty. I looked in the backyard and saw something I wish I didn't see. I saw Alyssa kissing another guy. If you were standing next to me I bet you could hear my heart breaking. Tears filled my eyes as I ran away. I went to the outside trash can and dumped the flowers and pizza in there.

I went in my room and didn't come out for a few hours. There was a knock at the door. "Come in." I said softly. "Cal honey what's wrong?" My mum asked. "I saw Alyssa kissing another guy I thought she still loved me." I sniffled. "Oh honey maybe she just wanted to move on but don't worry I know she is the one for you. She will come back just don't lose her, don't stop loving her." My mum said. I smiled lightly and gave a thanks to her. "Go to sleep you have school tomorrow." My mum said. I nodded. I did my nightly routine and went to bed. Alyssa is so going to get it tomorrow I smirked at myself.

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