Chapter 13

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*8 months later*

Alyssa's POV

Today is the day I have been dreading. My dad gets out of jail today. I'm so scared. "Alyssa what's wrong." Calum said sounding worried. "My dad he gets let out of jail today and now he's going to get me." I say, fear in my voice. "No he is not. I am going to protect with my life even if its the last thing I do." He says. "I can protect myself. I don't want to lose you." I say. "I know but right now you matter more." Calum said and I smiled at Calum.

Rick's POV

Today is the day I get out of jail now I'm going to find Alyssa. "Rick you got a visitor." I walked to the phone booth. "Hey Rick." He said. "Hi. So what do you have on Alyssa and Calum?" I asked. "Ok so they got a house it's secluded far away from the town. Once you get out I will be waiting out here and I'll take you there." He said. "Sounds good." I nodded. "Thanks." "No problem Rick." "See you in two hours." "See you."

Calum's POV

Rick gets out of jail today and I am going to protect Alyssa with everything I have.

*2 hours later*

Still Calum's POV

The time me and Alyssa haven't been waiting for. I'm scared for Alyssa. But I'm sure Rick won't find us we are far away from her house and the town.

Unknown's POV

I waited til Rick walked out of the prison. He walked out and headed towards my car. He opened the door and sat down. "Are you ready Rick?" I asked. "Very ready." He said. "Lets do this." Then we drove off. It's a 5 hour drive .

*5 hours later*

Rick's POV

We are here it's like 10 at night and I saw all the lights off so I knew that they're asleep. That's good. So we snuck in the house. I have the cloth and chloroform ready. We went upstairs and opened the bedroom door. I saw Calum and Alyssa asleep.

I went to Calum first since he's the biggest threat. He woke up his eyes widened. I smirked at him it was too late. Then chloroform knocked him out. I went to Alyssa and did the same. My partner got Calum and I got Alyssa. We put them in my car then drove off.

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