Bonus Chapter - First Paris trip.

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WARNING*** spoilers for the 2nd book Happily Ever Hookup.

Hunters P.O.V

I feel Emily's fingers trailing up my stomach, over the Micky mouse tattoo I had done that reminds me of her and then over the fresh scar that's forever embedded into my skin.

I don't open my eyes, I'm curious as to what she's doing so I let her continue, keeping my breath as natural as I can so she doesn't click onto the fact I'm awake.

The last few months have been like something out of a nightmare. Every day she was in that coma, I thought I would never get her back, the day she woke up was the day I decided that one day, I'm going to marry this woman.

I've never been one to think about the future, marriage or kids, but with Emily, I see it all without even trying.

Then came the news about the baby, our baby. I could tell she was crushed by what had happened but in true Emily style, she buried it deep and got on with everything, as my strong woman always does. We haven't spoken about it since. I think one day we will but it's still too early right now.

Her fingers trail over a ticklish spot on my ribs and no matter how hard I try not to flinch away and smirk, I can't hold it in.

"I knew you were awake" Emily states and I open my eyes, she's propped up on one elbow, leaning over me smiling.

"No, you didn't" I protest, quickly turning us so she's flat against the mattress and I'm hovering on top of her naked chest.

She looks so beautiful, I kiss her, putting everything I have into it. She smiles into the kiss just as I pull away. "How did you sleep?" I ask her removing a tendril of hair from her face. I know she's had trouble sleeping recently, nightmares of me getting shot, hounding her relentlessly.

I glance at the clock which tells me it's not even 7 am yet.

"Really good" She smiles and it's genuine, she kisses me again before gently pushing at my chest in an attempt to stand up.

I'm not willing to leave this bed for at least another couple of hours and if I'm not leaving, Emily isn't either.

I grab her wrists and pin her arms to the bed, climbing my way up her body so I'm straddling her. I look down at her, her eyes flashing with lust. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I need to take a shower, then I was going to go get us some breakfast" She explains but I shake my head.

"Not yet" I kiss her again, but again she attempts to pull away.

"Hunter, we're in Paris." She laughs "There's still so much we need to do"

"None of them as fun as what I have in mind" I smirk and she grins up at me.

I'm aware there are a lot of things to do in Paris, like sightseeing and all that shit but not at seven in the fucking morning and most definitely not with the erection I'm currently sporting.

I grind my dick into her leg, to show her how much she turns me on, "I'm going to fuck you until the people in the room next door know my name"

"We have to-" I cut her off crashing my lips to hers, within a few seconds I release her arms from my grasp and she wraps them around my neck, fondling the hair at the back of my head. It sends a shiver straight down my spine and my hips instinctively grind into her. 

I hear a cute, little moan escape her lips as her legs encase my waist. Her skin is so soft as my hands roam over her delicate body.

She's so fucking beautiful and has no idea of the effect she has on me.

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