20 "You wanna get out of here?"

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I turn the envelope in my hand, examining it from all angles. It's small and rectangular in shape and looks as harmless and innocent as it feels but this letter is going to determine the rest of my life.

I'm scared to open it, my stomach is doing somersaults and I feel sick.

I look closely at the tiny little NYU stamp in the corner of the envelope and run my fingers over it gently just as my mom joins me in the kitchen. She looks her usual perky self, immaculate and pristine, their isn't a hair out of place and her make up is expertly done.

"Sweetheart, it's not going to open itself" she says and a small chuckle escapes me but I never take my eyes off the paper in my hand. "Of course they've accepted you, they would be crazy not to"

"I appreciate the optimism mom." I smile, I don't share it but I appreciate it. "I just... What if..."

My mind goes back to worrying, thinking of the worst possible things I could come up with.

"What if I don't get accepted?" I ask her meekly.

"Well, standing here staring at the thing isn't going to help, open it and find out."

It might sound stupid, but getting in to NYU is so important to me. I don't want to be far from home, especially since my dads been working a lot and my mom is left by herself.

Not that it matters, mom is out more often not these days.

It's actually quite concerning.

My mom has always been a stay at home mom, I don't think she's ever worked a day in her life, she's comfortable that way. She hardly has any friends and very rarely ventures out on her own so any little difference in her attitude and personality is identifiable straight away.

I've noticed she's started wearing her hair down more, and she's more forward than usual. I briefly wonder if shes having an affair but dismiss the idea straight away.

She would never do that to my dad.

"Do you want me to open it for you?" She asks and I instantly hand get the envelope.

Without hesitation she rips into the envelope, all the while my guts are churning inside of my stomach.

She glances at me and smiles before setting her eyes on the paper before her, I follow her blue orbs as she scans the letter and very flittingly notice a change in her expression.

I pray it's good news.

"You got in, sweetheart"

My heart jumps out of my chest as I hear the words and before I know it, we're jumping around the kitchen, screaming like lunatics in celebration.

I've never felt so relieved in my life.

My mom hugs me tightly and kisses the top of my head "I'm proud of you Emily"

"Thanks mom" I reply. I can't wait to tell my dad, but he's probably in a meeting or something else work related. It's always work recently. "Where's dad?" I ask for clarification.

My mom stiffens a tad before pulling away softly. The sorrow in her eyes tells me something isn't right and I brace myself for whatever it is. "About your dad" My mom says pulling me gently toward the kitchen island. "Sit down, we need to talk"


Hunters POV.

I hear the heavy, wooden door slamming from the hallway and pop my head around the corner to see who's making all the racket, it's Emily, looking fucking stunning as always.

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