21 "Breakfast for dinner?"

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After almost an hour or so of driving Hunter pulls over at a gas station and I wait in the car while he goes in to buy snacks and drinks for our 'date'.

I use the word lightly, we've never talked about dating, and I'm almost certain the only reason we're in the middle of nowhere right now is because Hunter realised something was dragging me down and he wants to cheer me up.

The drive hasn't been awkward per se, but we're definitely not what we once were. We usually bounce off of one another, joking and poking fun, laughing and generally just enjoying each others company. Today, though we're not completely silent, it's not the same.

It seems forced somehow.

I can't say I'm surprised. I'm still hurting at the fact he didn't say it back, and even if it was a slip of the tongue and I wasn't really expecting him to pour his heart out, it still stings.

He must have been in the little gas station for a few minutes before I see him walking back to the car, his hand carrying a few bags in each.

"Weather is really nice today, you picked a good day to stop avoiding me like I've got the plaque or something." Hunter comments when he gets in the car. He throws the goodies into the back seat and smiles at me as I glance at the snacks he bought.

"I wasn't avoiding you, I've been... Busy" I say lamely. It's a ridiculous and stupid excuse, I've never been good at lying, I don't know how I've managed to keep my secret from Tara for so long.

"Busy avoiding"

"I wasn't avoiding!" I say sternly but the mischievous expression on his face makes me smile. "You're a dick."

"What's that? You love my dick? Now, little Emily, you're just stating the obvious." He quips and I slap his arm with a laugh as he puts the car into drive and pulls away.

Neither one of us speaks for a few moments until Hunter breaks the silence. "So, wanna tell me what's up?"

I sigh. I know exactly what he's talking about but I play ignorant. "What do you mean?"

"Come on squirt, I know you. Something's up, the way you burst through my door screaming for Tara? Clear sign of distress"

"I really dont want to talk about it to be honest Hunter, can we change the subject please?" I plead and Hunter nods as his eyes stay focused on the road "Like the fact I got accepted to NYU." I add quickly making more conversation before it goes all quiet again.

"Really? That's great news Em, I'm happy for you" He says and I'm sure I see a little bit of pride flit across his face.

"I thought you said college is a waste of time?"

"It is." He quips "but if you want to go to college, then I'm here to support you one hundred percent."

He seems so genuine when he says it, my heart does a little flutter.

I love him so much.

Even if he is an asshole at times.

"What's your major?" He asks, I wonder briefly if he's actually interested but I decide to humour him anyway.

"Marine biology"

He seems surprised. "Why?"

"I love discovering new things, I love sea life and all things fish like, sounds weird I know, but I think it's something I would be good at and enjoy it. Did you know around eighty percent of the worlds oceans are still unexplored? Imagine what could be out there that we still don't know of."

"Is that your fun fact of the day?" Hunter jokes and I laugh. I really want to hit him sometimes for being so sarcastic. "You seem very passionate about it." He comments "I would love to find something that makes me so... Excited. When I first joined the army, sure, it was exciting and the possibilities seemed endless. Then the reality set in and I realised it wasn't all it was cracked up to be."

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