5 "You're being a drama queen"

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Hunters Pov

She looks fucking phenomenal. Every time I even attempt to deny myself the chance to think about her, she shows up, looking stunningly sexy and tempting as hell in a skimpy outfit of some sort.

Today though, she's wearing blue skinny jeans and a floaty white vest which on anyone else would look pretty casual but not Emily. It shows off her amazing figure, her small but perfectly plump tits and tight ass.

She's torturing me without even trying.

I've never felt so attracted to someone, I don't know if its the way she looks at me or the soft moans that left her lips while I was fucking her from behind, or maybe it's the fact that what happened between us is forbidden and I'm not allowed to have her more than that one time.

Whatever it is, I can't stop thinking about her and her delectable little body.

I wonder if I sit here long enough if she'll see me?

She's standing at what I presume is her locker talking with a girl, her hair hangs straight down her back giving me flashbacks of my hands tangled in it.

Fuck, I can't do this. Especially not here of all places.

I'm waiting outside the principal's office, something which I haven't done in about 6 years, of course back then it was for either back answering teachers, fighting or just generally being a dick.

As soon as I graduated, I got the fuck out of town and enrolled myself in the US Army. I've always looked up to my dad, so following in his footsteps seemed like the best thing to do.

I feel my phone vibrate and thank fuck I already turned it to silent because my pain in the ass sister changed my message tone to some annoying fucking song about baby fish or some shit and being the tool that I am, can't for the life of me figure out how to change it.

Speak of the devil.

I've received a message from Tara.


Emily just told me you're at the school. Why the fuck are you at the school?

So she had seen me. I smirk to myself, I would love to know the thoughts swirling round in that pretty little head of hers.

I quickly type out a reply as the door to my right swings open and the principal welcomes me in.


10.19pm Me:

So apparently it isn't illegal but its definitely frowned upon for teachers to have sexual relations with a student.

I grin as I hit the send button. I've resorted to snooping through my sister's phone to get her best friends number so I can flirt shamelessly with her.

10.22pm Emily:

Who is this?

10.23pm Me:

The guy that gave you the best orgasm of your life.

10.23pm Me: sorry I meant best orgasmS of your life. Plural.

I'm very proud of the fact. What i'm not proud of is how long I lasted. Usually, I'm so good with stamina, but with Em, all of that flew out the window. I lost control and couldn't hold back any longer.

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