39 "I promise."

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Emilys P.O.V

I can hear the thumping of my heart in my ears, and it feels like I've got a huge apple lodged in my throat.

I feel physically sick at the sight of Nick holding Tara against him with a gun held to her head like a crazed mad man.

He looks rough, he's unshaven and dirty, and he looks like he hasn't slept for weeks.

I hope the bastard has had to suffer, after everything, I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on him if the roles were reversed.

Tara looks terrified, her whole body shaking with fear while Devon scrambles up from the floor in front of them.

Hunter grabs my arm and forcefully pushes me behind him, acting as a human shield.

I know he's just trying to protect me, but acting like a cave man right now isn't going to help the situation.

"Good to see you Hunter, Em" Nick smiles in our direction before turning back to Devon. "Move, over there. Now" He says nudging his head in our direction and Devon does as he says, moving ever so slowly toward us.

I'm not sure Nick has it in him to actually Kill Tara, sure, he caused our car to crash but to actually kill someone with your bare hands is a completely different matter.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Hunter growls and I grab tight a hold of his arm so he can't make a move for Nick. We have to be smart here. "I swear, you hurt her and I'll rip your balls off and shove them down your throat"

Nick chuckles making me shiver. He sounds like a maniac. He is so unfazed by Hunters threat or even the fact hes outnumbered but then again he is the one with the weapon. "So violent Hunter." he smirks. "Not so tough now are you?" He asks goading Hunter.

I know Hunter has a temper on him, I seen it that day in the school hall way when he beat the shit out of Nick and mangled his face.

"How was your stay in Hospital Emily?" He asks politely and to anyone else, you'd think he actually cared. He's so psychotic to the point where I dont even know if he realises how fucked up he is. "Sorry about that by the way. Personally, you've never done anything to me, you were just collateral damage so I could get to those two." He says nodding towards the two men at my side.

I scoff at how fake he is but then remember I'm not in any position to be belittling him right now so I put my head down as a response.

"And the lesbians, you two look loved up, I bet you never expected your night to end with a bang, did you?"

Laura and Katie are the furthest away from Nick, they could actually run away and escape through the woods surrounding the property if they wanted to, but due to his instability and how unpredictable Nick could be, they stay put.

As hes occupying himself talking to Katie and Laura, I glance over at Sophie and Declyn who are in a pretty similar stance to Hunter and I, I notice she whispers something to him and a small, inconspicuous grin forms on his face but he quickly masks it.

It doesn't take a genius to realise they're planning something.

It's crazy how fast everything has changed, just five minutes ago I was wrapped blissfully in Hunters arms and now, my best friend could lose her life and we're all in danger.

"Nick" Hunter says calmly bringing the attention back to him. "I know you dont want to do this, think about what you're doing."

Nicks mouth twists and his lips scrunch up in thought and after a few seconds he finally lets out a huge, dramatic sigh. "You're totally right, I'm going about this all the wrong way" He says and I feel a little bit of relief seeping into my body. Maybe Hunter can get through to him and talk him out of whatever it was he came here to do...

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