35 "I've been waiting for you to wake up"

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The first thing I see when I wake up is Taras face hovering just above me.

At first it's a little distorted but after blinking a few times, I realise my mind isn't playing tricks on me, she really is here and she looks happy?

I try to move but she pushes me back down, ordering me to stay still while she finds a doctor.

The next thing I know, she's gone and I'm left alone in the bright room. My eyes scan over the ceiling, taking in every little mark and crack that's visible. I feel the tubes and wires connecting me to the beeping machines and instictively want to pull them out, I refrain though.

A doctor comes rushing in with Tara hot on her heels. She smiles at me while I can hear Tara on the phone to someone telling them I'm awake.

I wonder where hunter is. The last thing I remember was leaving the hospice after visiting my dad.

"Miss Carter, I'm Dr. Feilding. It's good to see you're finally awake" The bright young doctor says as she shines a light in my eyes asking me to follow it. "How are you feeling?"

Agitated. Confused. Pissed off. Angry. Restless.

"Okay" I croak. My mouth is so dry I could drink a gallon of water and still ask for more. "Where am I? What happened?"

"You're in the hospital" She answers taking my pulse now. "Do you remember how you got here?"

I shake my head. I don't think I can answer right now. Everything feels fuzzy.

"I'm so glad you're awake Em. Hunter is on his way! I'm so sorry for everything that happened between us, we-"

"Don't overwhelm her Miss Evans, Coma patients can become very agitated and confused when they wake up"

Coma patient? What?

"Sorry" I hear Taras voice again and a small but weak smile creeps its way onto my face. She really is here.

"Do you remember what happened Emily?" Dr feilding asks again and I shake my head as she holds my arm and supports my back, helping me to sit up a little.

"Can I have some water?"

"Of course" The doctor agrees but as she turns to fill the cup on the little bedside table, Tara is already busy doing it. She pops a straw in and holds it for me as I take a long drink. It feels euphoric, it's that good.

"We've missed you Emily." Tara says smiling brightly in my face, I should be happy that she's happy, but for some reason I just feel really annoyed.

The doctors warning to Tara a minute ago comes back to me and I realise I'm not mad at her, I'm mad because apparently it's a side effect of waking up from a coma.

"Hunter has been here everyday." She informs me. "He literally hasn't left your side for longer than an hour and even then, Devon and I have had to practically force him to go home and shower or get some rest." I take another sip of the water before she places it down on the nearby table again.

"Devon" I say as a memory flashes back to me. "We were giving him a lift home from the hospice."

"He's okay" Tara reassures me. "A lot better than you anyway, I mean no offence Em, but you're a mess."

"Thanks." I say my mouth feeling a lot better now. "Somebody hit our car" I recall and Dr. Fielding smiles.

"It's a good sign that you remember. It'll feel fuzzy for a while but everything will soon come back to you" She says writing on a clipboard.

"How long have I been here?" I say noticing no visible injuries and feeling no pain but a small headache, that I think is caused by my overthinking and the whole confusion side effect.

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