10 "Where the fuck did your sister go?"

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It's only Tuesday and already I feel like I need a break. The last semester before Christmas break is always a bitch because teachers think it's acceptable to throw piles of homework and essays at us, wanting to start the new year a fresh.

It's ridiculous really but if I have any chance of graduating I need to keep my grades up. I've always been a good student, not a geek or a know-it-all but someone that works hard and has the grades to show for it.

I've applied for several different colleges, some far away, some closer to home but I haven't heard from any of them yet. My dad wants me to stay close to home but I don't really blame him. We can't afford a lot of travel expenses and I am the only kid in the family so I suppose he doesn't want to lose me.

Tara has basically been guaranteed her place at brown since birth, that's what you get when you're born into a wealthy family with good connections. I'm not saying she hasn't worked for her place, she does so many extra curricular activities and her grades are spot on so she deserves her place, but I wish I could click my fingers and have everything handed to me on a plate.

Maybe I wouldn't be so tired all the time.

God, I sound salty.

I pull numerous books from my locker before nudging it shut with my shoulder, my arms clinging onto the pile of book I plan to take home with me.

I bend down and open my backpack, tossing them inside without caution. I'm so sick of text hooks I don't care if they get damaged.

I haven't seen Hunter since Sunday night when we went our separate ways. I know from Tara that he's started his job at the school and I'm glad I haven't ran in to him because that would be really awkward. He didn't say anything about Devon and his texts.

I don't know why I'm so bothered by it, it was harmless and it's not like Hunter and I are actually a couple. It's just sex.

Really good sex, but still.

I still want to kill Tara for her inability to shut her big mouth, but the more I think about it, it wasn't her fault. She doesn't know any better.

Devon talking to me is probably the most controversial thing to happen at school ever. It's so... Odd.

I keep wondering why me? Why now? We've shared four classes for the past two years and attended the same school since kindergarten, so what possibly could have changed?

I just don't get it.

"Don't get what?"

I jump and spin around at the voice behind me. Tara is there, looking fucking gorgeous with Nick and her equally gorgeous brother.

He looks so casual, yet so fucking hot. It's hard to concentrate when he's around.

I blush, realising I've been mumbling to myself out loud again. "Um... Nothing. Just stressing about college applications."

Tara pouts sympathetically at me and rubs my arm. "They'll all be lucky to have you Em. Don't sweat it. NYU is totally gonna nab you." she says it with so much confidence and I smile though I don't share he optimism.

"Maybe." I reply as she links her elbow onto mine and pulls me down the corridor.

"You're going to NYU?" Nick asks following us. He's a full foot taller than me so he seems to tower over us, its quite daunting, but I know him well enough to know he's a huge teddy bear with muscles.

"Hopefully" I respond "It's my first choice"

"I already got my acceptance letter, of course my father pulled a few strings for me."

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