13 "You're so fucking cute"

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On Thursday night, I'm lying on my bed, reading through a history text book for the fiftieth time.

For the life of me I can't take any of it in and I just know I'm going to fail the test we have on Monday.

Every now and again, I'll scroll through my social media, first facebook, then my Instagram and finishing off with Twitter so I can stalk Bradley Cooper. Yes, he's hot. No I don't care how old he is.

Age just isn't an issue to me... Clearly.

I shut my text book and roll onto my back, scrolling through a few messages from girls at school and my heart audibly stops beating when a text from Devon comes through.

I click on it straight away and then realise how much of a desperate idiot I must look. I'm sure there's a rule about how long you have to wait before reading and responding to a guys text, Tara told me once but it slips my mind.

8.56pm. Devon:

Can't wait to see you in your dress tomorrow.

My heart starts beating rapidly against my ribcage, what the fuck am I doing? I'm basically just stringing the poor guy along. Nothing can ever happen between Devon and I while I'm having no strings fun with Hunter.

No strings. Who am I kidding?

I think we're way past that considering my mom thinks we're an item and sometimes when we meet up, we don't even have sex. We just talk, and laugh, and talk some more.

It's going really good, and going to the dance with Devon could mess all that up.

I know Hunter and I will never be more and I'm okay with that, but I just want to enjoy it while it lasts.

My phone suddenly vibrates again, and I drop my phone onto my face. It hurts like hell and I've a feeling I'm going to be marked in the morning.

Fucking fantastic!

I stumble to find my phone which is located by my right ear and pick it up.
Hunter's calling.

I don't think I've ever spoke to him on the phone before and I'm kind of freaking out. How do I answer?


Hi Hunter.

What's up?

Before I can answer, the call ends and I deflate. What is actually wrong with me?

Should I call him back? Text him? The one person that could probably help me is Tara, and for obvious reasons, that's out of the question.

My phone rings again and I abruptly sit up, preparing myself, I let it ring a couple of times, learning from my mistake with Devons text, before answering.

"Hey Hunter," I finally settle on. I hope my voice sounds normal and not all high pitched and weird like it usually does when I'm nervous.

I don't even know why I'm nervous.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" He asks sounding cool as a cucumber, I bite my lip and try to think...

"The dance is tomorrow" I remember eventually and I hear him let out a little chuckle. "I promised I would go with your sister."

"Skip it" Hunter responds like it's the easiest thing in the world.

I don't really want to go to a dance, especially dateless but I can't let Tara down, she would kill me.

"I am" He adds "and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to skip it with me?"

"I can't" although I really really want to. "Why? What did you have planned?"

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