Bonus chapter - First night in New York.

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After talking with Sophie most of the night and Tara asleep with Nick up stairs I make my way to my temporary bed for the night. The sofa.

I've decided to let my body take full control, it obviously wants Hunter, so rather than over thinking and trying to talk myself out of it, I'm going to allow anything that may happen, happen.

I enter the living room, my head held high, hoping I'm letting off some sort of sexy, confident vibe but I frown when I don't see Hunter.

Where the hell did he go?

I noticed Declyn retreating up to bed about ten minutes before Sophie so I know Hunter, wherever he is, is alone.

I pull my little black boy shorts from my bag by the sofa and a white tank top, I don't really think about going to the bathroom, because everyone else is in bed and Hunter is the only one that could possibly catch me half naked, and that thought does nothing to put me off.

I strip down, into just my tiny thong and lacy bra, and I startle when I feel his hands snake around my waist.

Talk about perfect timing.

Hunters lips softly touch the skin just below my ear, sending a jolt of excitement through me. I can smell his familiar smell mixed in with subtle smoke.

"Where did you go?" I ask but he doesn't answer. Instead, he spins me around, grabbing my upper arms forcefully and kisses me with so much want, it makes my head spin.

I instantly reciprocate, my hands coming up to rest on top of his hard, masculine shoulders and I give them a little squeeze. 

"Have you been drinking?" He asks pulling away. I debate whether I should lie to him or not. I know he said he wouldn't touch me if I drank but then again, I can't not tell him.

"A little," I admit "Just one glass and I'm perfectly aware of what I want" I tell him truthfully.

Hunter quirks an eyebrow, holding me close to him, his arms wrapped around my back. "What do you want?"

My tongue darts out to wet my dry lips and he glances down at the small movement. Him, I just want him, inside of me and making me feel euphoric and sexy and like nobody else in the world can ever make me feel that good. 

"You" I reply so quietly I don't even know if he heard me.

Hunter effortlessly picks me up, kissing me again and I wrap my legs around his waist and he begins to move toward the couch, his mouth never leaving mine.

He places me down so I'm lying on the soft couch and removes his jacket as his eyes roam my almost naked body. He's looking at me like he wants to devour me, which to be truthful, sounds very appealing to me right now. 

He lets his jacket fall to the floor and in one swift move, pulls his tee shirt over his head revealing his god-like, inked torso. He smirks at me in that sexy way of his and climbs onto the sofa, pushing my legs apart roughly and settling in between them but still sitting up right, his hands roam up my legs, tickling and sending a jolt of something straight to my core. 

This man knows exactly what he's doing, he's had plenty practice that's for sure. I push the thought aside, I don't want to think of Hunter and his past with girls, though I do know there's been a few of them.

His fingers hook into the waistband of my thong and I thank god I chose to wear a sexy, matching set rather than the monstrosity I had on the first night together at Tara's birthday party. He slips them down my legs off my feet, discarding them along with his jacket on the floor. 

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