25 "I've been dying to do that"

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The sound of Hunter whispering in my ear as he pounds into me hard, fast and delicious almost tips me over the edge. My back is up against the wall, his body flush against mine, my left leg propped up, there is nothing romantic about this.

It's just pure lust. I need him as much as he needs me.

His fingers dig into my side as he thrusts and I bite hard on my lip knowing I need to keep quiet.

If anyone catches us right now, I get suspended, if not expelled and Hunter loses his job.

I suppose the risks are worth it considering how fantastic I feel and how hot this whole scenario is.

We're in a cubicle in the girls bathroom at school and no matter how wrong I know it is, I just can't stop myself.

Okay, so it isn't the teachers lounge but fuck is it incredibly sinful.

"Come with me Em, " Hunter whispers in my ear as he tugs my skirt higher up my waist.

I nod, I'm on the verge, just a few more thrusts and I'll be there. "Fuck, I love you" He says and just like that, I'm biting hard on his shoulder as my orgasm rips through my body.

Hunter thrusts for a few seconds more, a small grunt escaping him and I realise how much I love that noise. He makes me swoon constantly, I'm like a little girl with a crush but by some miracle, he's crushing back.

I smile as Hunter leans his forehead onto mine as we both bask in our post coital come down.

"You're amazing Hunter Evans" I say and he kisses me with so much passion, I'm thankful he's still holding me because I think I might collapse if he leaves go.

"Not so bad yourself Miss Carter." He winks at me with a goofy grin as he pulls out of me. I wince, missing his closeness immediately.

As I wipe myself down and clean myself up, Hunter rearranges himself. His hair is dishevelled and his shirt is wrinkled but he still looks hot.

"We're pushing our luck, you know one of these days we're gonna get caught" I say but Hunter just shrugs.

"Worth it" He replies with a smile.

I flush the tissues down the toilet just as Hunter presses up against me, my back hitting the hard wall behind me. He's so tall compared to me, I tip toe to reach his lips and kiss him gently.

I'm caged in by his arms, I feel safe and hot under his intense stare. "I love this skirt by the way, very sexy and... Convenient."


"Yep" He says with a smirk, "for extra curricular activities" he wiggles his eyebrows as I push him away.

"Do I get extra credit, sir?" I bat my eyelashes at him, playing along as I open the cubicle door and step out.

Just as I do, the bathroom door bursts open and Katie is standing there, looking panicked. "Emily, I've been looking everywhere for you. It's Tara."
Hunter pokes his head out of the cubicle at the sound of his sisters name, not caring that there's a witness to our recent activities.

"What about Tara?" He asks, Katie looks dumb founded for a few seconds, glancing between the two of us before it finally clicks and she realises what's been happening. "Well?" Hunter snaps.

I shove him for being rude but he just rolls his eyes.

"It's hard to explain, Nick" is her only response.

My stomach drops at the mention of his name, what did he do now?

All three of us leave the bathroom in a rush, Katie leading the way. As we round the corner of the corridor, I see Tara pinned up against a wall, Nicks hands around her throat. "Tell everyone you were lying" He grits out.

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