6 "You've caught my attention"

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Devon Manning is actually talking to me. Of course, I have no idea what he just said to me because I zoned out five minutes back and my ears have lost the ability to function.

It's odd. He's never willingly come up to me before so at first, I thought he was asking for help with some school project, but then he started babbling about the weather and football practice and a few other things I'm not entirely sure of.

He's actually making... Small talk?

I had a crush on him for years, until I realised he didn't know I existed. I just got on with my boring boyfriendless life and 3 years later and probably 10 words shared between us, he's standing in front of me, asking if I'm looking forward to the winter formal.

He reminds me of Hunter, all tall, dark and handsome. His arms are lined with tattoos and he's got the whole bad boy vibe going on except I know differently. He's actually a really nice guy, with good grades and a sparkling reputation.

He hangs around with the popular crowd, Nick and Tara included while I stay on the outskirts. I'm not popular but I won't say I don't have many friends.

"Um... Yeah. Tara and I are going shopping in New York next week for our dresses." I reply still baffled by this whole situation.

"That's cool," he says with a nod of his head. He leans against the locker and crosses his arms giving me the perfect view of his well-built frame. "Maybe I'll see you there."

"Yeah" I agree awkwardly. I'm unsure if he's flirting or if he's just trying to be polite but whatever it is, it's really weird.

"Maybe you could save her a dance" Tara chimes in out of nowhere. I didn't even know she was near us let alone was listening in on our interaction.

My eyes widen at her suggestion and I feel the heat rise up my cheeks. I'm about to protest and perhaps even give her a quick elbow to the ribs but Devon speaks. "I'd love to." He smiles down at me looking so. fucking. hot.

I smile back as he saunters off toward his next class.

"OH MY GOD!" Tara says cheerily bouncing up and down on her heels. "It's about time my girl got some! You've been single for like 4 weeks or something now, that's more than enough time to get over dick head Tony."

Just then, Tony walks by us frowning. He obviously heard what Tara had said.

"Somebody who actually knows what they're doing, you know?" She continues for Tony and him only. "Yeah, defo need to get some"

I got some a few weeks back when I fucked your brother.

Well, I can't exactly tell her that but I would if she wouldn't stab me with her pen in 0.3 seconds flat.

"Devon totally has a crush!" she says. "Did you see the way he was looking at you. He wants you."

I roll my eyes because one five minute conversation does not mean he likes me. "You're delusional."

"We'll see" she smirks my way, hooking her arm through mine.


I'm home alone again when there's a knock at the door. I've been working on an English assignment since I left Taras house earlier on tonight.

I glance at the large round clock on the kitchen wall and only now realise how late it is.

I've been busy for the past 3 hours, stopping only once for a bathroom break.

My stomach grumbles as I stand to open the door. I swing it open and see Hunter standing there, delicious as ever in a black button down and dark jeans.

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