31 "I much prefer you naked"

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The bruise on the side of my face is the size of a small country. It's ugly and purple and my left eye is swollen. I feel like the Elephant man.

I examine it in the mirror and wince when I accidently touch it to hard. Fucking guys and their fights, there's always some innocent that gets caught in the crossfire.

"Em, you nearly done in there? Seriously needing a piss right now" Hunter calls through the door.

I hadn't even realised he was awake. I woke up a little under an hour ago and with Hunter still fast asleep, and absolutely zero taste in good movies, I decided to take a shower.

Now, looking at the state of my hideous face in the mirror, I'm reluctant to open the door for him.

"Yeah, be out in a sec" I reply. There's no way I can hide this from him, so I quickly towel dry my hair and sigh heavily before opening the door.

"Good morning beautif- SHIT! THAT LOOKS BAD" Hunter comments raising his hand to run his fingers very delicately over my cheek. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I look like a fucking mutant but besides that, I feel okay." I tell him truthfully. Surprisingly, it doesn't even hurt. It's just a huge inconvenience that I have this big monstrosity on show for the world to see.

"Are you sure?" He asks worry evident in his voice.

I remove his hand from my face gently. "I'm sure. Stop worrying."

"When it comes to you, I always worry" He says moving his naked body against mine, effectively pinning me to the doorframe.

I smirk and glance down at his semi erect cock. I raise an eyebrow. "Does it turn you on to see me like this?"

"You always turn me on" he says, bucking his hips against me before kissing me gently on the lips. "Give me a minute in the bathroom and then I'll make you feel better" He says suggestively against my lips.

I desperately want to fall into bed with him right now, but we've got huge plans for today and I've got a schedule to stick to.

"As appealing as that is Stud, you're gonna have to take a cold shower." I inform him with a grin and he pouts like a little child. I giggle at his reaction and let the towel wrapped around my body drop to the floor as I walk away from him. "Tara text me this morning. She's coming for dinner tonight instead" I tell him.

When I first got the text, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me because I was still half asleep. After reading it for the millionth time, only then did I start to get excited.

Nervous, but excited.

"And Sophie and Declyn are coming too"

"Really?" I notice his eyes travel the length of my body, his gaze heating my skin. "Let's just cancel and stay in bed all day" He suggests flirtaciously.

Of course, under any other circumstances I would have but this is my chance to finally get Tara on board with Hunter and I.

"Hunter, you know how important this is for me" I say and he laughs as he closes the bathroom door, presumably to take a piss.

"I'm joking" He yells through the door. "But if you want to get out of this apartment anytime soon, I suggest you stop walking around butt naked and put some clothes on."

Luckily, before taking my shower I had thrown my clothes from yesterday along with Candices clothes in the washer, they shouldn't take long to dry so at least I'll have something to wear, in the meantime, I slip into a pair of Hunters boxers and a t-shirt.

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