38 "The party can finally begin."

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Hi lovely readers! As you all know, this is the second to last chapter of The Hookup.

I've loved every single second of writing this book and reading all your hilarious and lovely comments.

Just to change it up a little, and because this is absolutely necessary, this chapter is from Taras point of view.

I know quite a few of you don't like her, and I completely understand that, she's selfish and a bitch sometimes but nobody is perfect and she has her reasons.

I'm also posting the first chapter of my new story along with the next chapter of this one so if you want to read it please take a look on my page...

Thanks again you lovely lot!

Tara's P.O.V

Everything is absolutely perfect. Emily looks like she's having the time of her life, both of my brothers are here, happy and safe and we're in great company.

I'm not too keen on that Candice girl but Emily is okay with having her here and I suppose if anyone should have a problem with it, it should be my best friend.

I can't believe just months ago, I was willing to throw my twelve year friendship with Emily away because she fell in love with my brother.

It still baffles me how in the hell that even happened, but each to their own, I suppose. Never in a million years would I ever have said that Hunter and Emily belong together but looking at them now, wrapped in each others arms, all touchy and loved up, even I have to admit they're good together.

And who knew my brother could be such a romantic? Sure, tonight wouldn't have happened if it weren't for me, but it was all Hunters Idea. I just ran with it. I must admit, I think I went a little over the top with food and drinks, considering there's only ten of us attending the belated prom.

I didn't go to the actual prom. None of us did. It just didn't feel right without Emily there.

Devon tried to persuade me otherwise but I told him it was something Emily and I had always talked about, since being kids we would come up with theories of who would win prom king and queen, what the theme would be and if we would have a date and if so, who?

We always said no matter whether we did or not, we would still go together.

Just the two of us.

So on prom night, while the rest of senior class dressed to the nines and partied into the small hours of the morning, Devon and I spent the night watching movies in my bedroom and eating junk food.

I visited Emily at the hospital the day after and told her about how I still hadn't made any progress with Devon and explained how I had never been so confused by someone in my life.

I'm not one to brag or go about flaunting myself but I'm not insecure with how I look. I have long blonde hair, a nice body and small, cute features. I know I'm not the best looking girl in the world but I'm not exactly ugly, which is why I'm so confused by Devon.

I actually thought he liked me.

Sure, he had a thing for Em first but come on, who wouldn't? She's fucking stunning, and yeah, we only really started to get to know each other after the incident where he saved me from Nick but We've spent so much time together and we have a good time, I thought maybe our 'relationship' would have progressed by now.

One night about two weeks before Emily woke up, Devon and I slept together, he was careful and gentle and it was perfect. He took his time to worship every inch of me, kissed me softly and caressed me as if I would break at any second.

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