7 "New york, New york"

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Declyn and his wife Sophie welcome us with open arms.

Their little girls Amelia and Ava greet us with huge smiles and hugs, excitedly telling us about their new dolls and they were over the moon to see their Aunt Tara and uncle Hunter, who they rarely get to see.

Nick had made the trip to New York with us, which made it completely awkward because while Tara was busy sucking face with her boyfriend, that left me with Hunter, all cringy and blushing.

All day he had been side-eyeing me, smirking whenever he caught me staring at him for too long. Nothing has been brought up about his confession the night he turned up at my house but every now and again, His hand casually stroking against mine or his face becoming a little too close.

A subtle reminder of his 'proposition'.

I can feel my resolve slipping.

"Are you a soldier uncle Hunter?" Little Ava asks as we all settle down onto the sofas after dinner. I don't miss the fact Hunter decided to take the seat right next to me.

She climbs up onto his lap and he wraps his strong arms around her and holds her close to his body.

He chuckles softly before answering. "I used to be"

"That's so cool! My dad told me you fight the bad guys and that you're going to save the world."

"Did he?" Hunter eyes his older brother who just shrugs in response. "I think your daddy was probably being nice and exaggerating a little bit"

"What does exagraratiting mean?" Amelia chimes in plonking herself in the tiny little gap between us. Before anyone gets the chance to reply, she talk again. "I love your hair" she pulls gently on a tendril and smiles up at me. "Its long and beautiful"

"Just like Rapunzel" Hunter adds smiling at his nieces. This is the most relaxed I've ever seen him and its nice.

"Except Rapunzels hair is blonde, just like mine" Tara says and earns a high five from Ava, the youngest of the two. "And yours"

"My mommy says Blondes have more fun" Amelia says making us all laugh.

"Okay girls, time for bed." Sophie insists earning groans of protest from the kids. "Speaking of Beds, we have the spare room upstairs and the two sofas, you can decide amongst yourselves who sleeps where."

She takes the kids upstairs and Declyn takes out a bottle of bourbon from a locked cabinet. He pours each of the boys a finger and offers Tara and me juice.


"Girls can't handle liquor like guys can" he explains to Tara, who looks thoroughly offended.

"Sexist much?" She argues and I laugh. "Well since you're being a caveman and are intent on treating me like a child the whole time I'm here, Nick and I are having the bedroom tonight."

"Tara!" My head snaps up to hers, my eyes pleading with her. "I thought you and I were sharing?"

"We were, before Nick decided to come."

"So you're just going to ditch me? Some friend you are!" I'm really pissed off she's planned this without me and even more pissed off that I'm going to have to sleep on the sofas with Hunter. The only saving grace is that theres two of them and I won't have to be squashed up against him all night.

She laughs at my reaction. "You know I love you Em, but Nick needs some loving too"

"Fuck me, that's so wrong!" Declyn twists his face disgusted by his little sisters words and throws back the remainder of his drink.

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