26 "Getting ready for bed."

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Once again, my mom is out. I'm left alone to stew in the shit tip that is my life. Tara hates me and no matter how much I try, she's avoiding me. All calls have gone unanswered or sent straight to voicemail and all texts have been ignored.

I even tried to send her a message on Instagram, which I knows she checks about a hundred times a day but still she won't talk to me.

Hunter told me to give her some time, he thinks this is something she'll get over but I'm not as optimistic.

She'll hate me forever.

I've tried reading and re-reading my history text book over and over but I keep coming back to the same sentence.

I slam the book shut with a huff and hear a small chuckle come from the doorway.

Hunters leaning against the doorframe, in a black jacket and jeans, looking fine as hell and smiling. "Studying going well?"

"Just fucking dandy" I reply with a grimace. I despise studying, though my grades would say otherwise. It's a necessary evil if I want to graduate and go to NYU.

Hunter moves slowly from his spot by the door and sits on the edge of the bed. He strokes my arm gently, soothing me somewhat. "You look stressed. Are you okay?"


I'm not okay.

My whole world seems like it's crumbling around me and I can't do anything to stop it.

I don't even realise I have tears slipping down my cheeks until Hunter pulls me into his strong arms. I nuzzle into his chest and let myself fall apart in the arms of the man I love.

The tears keep coming and Hunter soothes me, stroking my hair and kissing my head, I realise, this is exactly what I needed.

Just to let go and cry it out.

"Tara will come round eventually Em, I promise" He says soothingly and I sniffle into his shirt.

Thing is, this isn't just about Tara.

My dad is sick and my mom is never around. I don't know where she goes or who she's with but its definitely not here with me, where she should be.

I wipe my eyes with the back of my hands and sit up straighter in an attempt to sort myself out.

Hunter gives me a warm and encouraging smile. "Everything will be okay" He says and as much as I want to believe him, my mind can't see any of this getting better right now.

My voice is croaky when I answer, I try to sound as normal as possible but everything is just weighing me down and I feel so deflated, I wonder if I'll ever recover from this.

"I doubt it"

"Sure it will" he hugs me to him again and I let out a long shaky breath.

"Tara hates me and my dads-" I stop mid sentence realising I've never told Hunter about my dad.

"What about your dad?" Hunter asks and I want someone to share my problems with but I don't want to burden him with the shit I'm dealing with. "I love you, Emily. You can talk to me... about anything"

I nod knowing he's sincere, I trust him and I think if I talked about it maybe it would make me feel better.

I'm pessimistic but anything is worth a shot.

"My dads got dementia." I don't look at his face when I say it because I can't bare to see the pity engraved on his beautiful features. "My mom said it started a few months ago. Just little things, mood swings, loss of appetite, getting confused over certain things."

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