24 "Kiss me, Devon!"

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"So..." I ask with an excitable grin on my face. Tara stares at me, her eyebrows raised in question before she continues getting dressed in front of the large silver mirror in her room. "Do you have something to tell me? Or do I have to guess what's responsible for your good mood?"

"What do you mean?"

I roll my eyes, the girl couldn't make it more obvious if she tried. She can't hide things from me. I guess I'm kind of lucky she's not so perceptive, otherwise, I would be in a shit load of trouble right about now.

I am going to tell her about Hunter and Me, now that he's confessed his feelings for me and I've eventually let the information sink in, it's kind of inevitable I have to tell her eventually but not right now, everything seems to be going so well, I don't want any negativity bringing us all down.

"Tara, you need to tell me, you can't keep me in the dark like this!" I protest with a small chuckle and she winks at me in the reflection of the mirror. "Come On! I'm your bestie, we're supposed to share everything."

Hypocritical? Yes.

Do I feel slightly guilty? Yes.

"Nothing happened!" She laughs turning to me her blonde hair fanning out in a circle around her head. "I swear."

"So you and Devon... Talked?"

"Exactly" she nods once.

"No kiss? No flirting? No touching of any kind?" I find that a little hard to believe. Tara is flirtatious by nature and Devon isn't blind. Tara's hot, he would be an idiot to not act on it.

"None." She smacks her lips. I actually notice a hint of a wistful smile and it brings my own grin to my lips. Tara is very sexual, every boyfriend she's ever had she's slept with, I don't see why Devon would be any different. Unless...

"Is it because of what happened? With Nick?" I ask tenderly. I can understand how something like nearly being raped by someone you thought loved you would give you trust issues. She never expected Nick to be capable of doing something so sick, yet, he did and it's got to have left some psychological scars.

"No" Tara insists. "Honestly, we were just having a really good time and I didn't want to spoil it." She says coming to join me on the bed. "Besides, Devon is kind of suffering a broken heart since you rejected him at your party."

I roll my eyes. Not this again. She's relentless. Thankfully, Devon hadn't told Tara the real reason I rejected him.

"My love life is... A little complicated at the minute."

I don't know how I would have explained that one.

"I was honest with the guy! Would you rather I lie to him and string him along?"

"Well, obviously not, but I would rather you tell me the real reason."

I open my mouth to reply, I have no idea what but I need to say something. Devon is the perfect guy, he's good looking, sweet, fun and caring, any girl would be lucky to have him.

But he's No Hunter.

"You also know you can't lie to me, I know there's more going on than your telling me." She adds and I gulp, I didn't realise she paid that much attention. "Why else would you turn down Devon Manning?"

"I'm not talking about this," I say beginning to feel flustered. "What happened, happened. We're just friends."

Tara pouts her lips and narrows her eyes at me, "whatever you say. But I think you should reconsider."

"I couldn't possibly get in the middle of the blossoming romance of you and him!" I say dramatically and with a British accent, I have no idea why I did that but we both laugh anyway.

Whether Tara admits it or not, I've got a feeling a lot more is to come from those two.

"You're a fucking idiot." She pushes me gently making me laugh.

"Oh, Devon!" I moan laughing as I pull kissing faces at Tara and I actually see her blush. "Kiss me, Devon!"

"Real mature, Em" she rolls her eyes but they're alight with amusement.

There's a timid knock from the bedroom door and It opens revealing Hunter. He grins as we both turn our attention toward him. "Mom wants to know if you're staying for dinner Emily?"

It's not the first time Christine has made me dinner. It just seems more and more frequent now.

"Uh, yeah sure. Thank you" I smile at him and he nods.

"It'll be ready in five."

Tara gets up and offers me her hand "let's go see if she needs any help"

I nod taking her offer and she pulls me up from the comfy bed.

Hunter disappears into his room as we walk out of Taras. She begins to walk down the stairs but I wait back. "I'm just going to use the bathroom." I say excusing myself and she shrugs as I turn back into her room. I stand there for a moment or two so I know she's out of the way before making my way to Hunters room. I don't even bother knocking.

My mouth drops open as I take in his naked back, he's got muscles I didn't know exist. His tan skin has a slight sheen of sweat, making him look exceptionally gorgeous.

"Can I help you?" He asks a cheeky grin etched on his face.

I swallow, I will never get used to the fact this man is all mine. "Just wanted to tell you I've missed you today."

"Aw, that's sweet" he teases but it doesn't bother me. I'll never hide my feeling from him ever again, no matter how small or insignificant. He eyes me, moving closer "I missed you too." He confesses leaning his head onto mine as he wraps his arms around my waist.

I've spent the entire day with Tara, Christine took us shopping and then we went for lunch and then all three of us watched a movie together. It was well needed day with my bestie and finally getting my troubles with my dad off my chest was a relief in it's self.

Tara hugged me, let me cry and told me that no matter what, things would be okay, it was exactly what I needed.

But I still thought of Hunter frequently throughout the day.

"Want to play footsie under the dinner table?" he asks with mischievous glint in his eye.

"Absolutely" I agree with a smile before his lips meet mine in a soft, sensual kiss.

It only lasts a few seconds but it's enough to satisfy me for now. "Can I come over later?"

"Ten?" I agree maybe a little too excited by the idea of Hunter coming over to my place.

"Ten on the dot." He kisses my forehead and releases me, I instantly miss his touch. "You should probably go down. Unless you want my sister to get suspicious?"

I walk back to the door because Tara having any kind of doubt or inkling terrifies the hell out of me.

For so long it's just been me and her.

I'm under no impression of who she is, she's spoilt and loves attention and most of the time, she's selfish and self centered but she's my best friend. Not a lot of people get to see the side of her that I see. The playful, fun, strong and dedicated woman who despite her flaws is one of the most genuine and real people I've ever met.

I can't lose her.

"See you down stairs, gorgeous" he smiles at me and I bite my lip and force my feet forward and away from him.

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