4 "Anytime, squirt"

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My eyes are darting left, right and centre looking for Hunter. I'm glad he hasn't shown up yet and I'm hopeful he decided against coming all together.

Tara has disappeared with her boyfriend Nick, somewhere upstairs probably and I've been left with a group of girls, most of which wouldn't speak to me if it weren't for the fact that I'm friends with Tara.

I make my way to the kitchen, where three kegs are lined up against the back wall, and assortments of liquors and different beers line the worktops.

I grab another bottle as a guy about twice my height sways drunkenly beside me. I smile at me with dazed eyes and I attempt to smile back.

He's creepy and it makes me feel really uncomfortable. "Hey," He says with a slur as he wiggles his eyebrows.

I scoff and walk away, my full drink in hand and take a large and welcomed gulp. The alcohol blurs my vision slightly as I push my way past groups of people. I pull out my phone as I make into the backyard.

It's 10:30 on a Saturday night and I'm here, all alone, slightly buzzed and surrounded by a load of horny pissed up dudes. There are a few girls half naked in the pool and a couple dry humping on the patio furniture.

Deciding its time for me to leave, I walk around the side of the house out into the front which is covered with even more stragglers.

I send a quick text to Tara to let her know I've left and slip my phone back into my bra. I throw my cup down on the bright green grass and fight my way to the sidewalk.

"Going somewhere?" I hear his voice before I see him just pulling up to the kerb in a sleek black car.

I stop to look at Hunter whos grinning at me like the Cheshire cat. There's another guy in the passenger side of the car who I recognise as a guy from my school.

"Home actually," I respond eventually.

"Wheres my sister?"

"With Nick"

Hunter scoffs and pulls a disgusted face making me laugh.

"Hop in, I'll give you a lift," He says directing his head to the passenger seat just as I see Bryan Pascoe, the school's quarterback make his way from the car and past me. "I'm not staying." I hear Bryan yelling thanks, Man! And smile. "I was only dropping him off."

I bite my lip and ponder the idea over in my head. "I promise its completely innocent. I'll take you straight home. No funny business."

It's absolutely freezing tonight and even though I live a five-minute walk from here, I agree to the ride. The dress Tara picked out for me doesn't do anything to ward off the cold.

I make my way round to the other side and climb in. I try my hardest to be discreet about it. Nobody and I mean nobody wants to see the huge granny panties I have on under this dress.

I notice Hunter raking round in the back of the car and he pulls out a hoodie, handing it to me. I smile at him gratefully before slipping it over my shoulders and zipping it up. It's far too big on my slender frame but it's doing the job of keeping me warm.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome" Hunter replies glancing at me from the side.

"So is there a reason you don't like your sisters boyfriend?" I ask referring back to his face earlier.

"Do I need a reason? He's my little sisters boyfriend, which means I automatically dislike the kid" I laugh at his reasoning. I'm an only child so I never had the over protective brother to deal with. "What made you leave so early?"

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