32 "I struggle to draw a stick man, Hunter."

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The tension in the room can be cut with a knife, Tara is staring at me and I'm starting at her, awaiting her rant, her questions, whatever she wants really, as long as she says something.

I can't stand the silence anymore and her giving me the cold shoulder acting as if I dont exist.

She's fine with treating Hunter like a human being but not me? It takes two to tango and I definitely wasn't the one to initiate the start of this.

If she should be mad at anyone its him. So why is she only taking it out on me?

"When was the first time?" Tara asks suddenly and I know for a fact she's already heard the answer from Hunter himself.

"Haven't you already questioned Hunter about that?" I reply trying to sound strong.

My whole life I have lived in the shadow of Tara Evans and now that I'm finally doing something for me, and I'm happy, I won't be made to feel like I have to choose between her and her brother.

"Yes" She replies with a snark. "I'm just curious to see if your answer matches his, I know how good you two are at lying" She says raising her eyebrow, challenging me to argue.

I won't rise to it. I'm not here to argue even more. I just want to finally sort this out.

"Your birthday" I answer after a while. "Your party"

She seems satisfied with my answer so I'm assuming Hunter has already told her that.

"I know its no excuse, but it was only supposed to be a fling, nothing serious was supposed to come of it Tara"

She let's out a bitchy laugh. "Serious? You think my brother is serious about you?"


"No Emily" She interupts me raising her voice a little. "My brother doesn't do serious, he's almost twenty four and he's never had a long term relationship or anything even close to it."

"We're different" I say unwavering. I won't let her put doubts in my head.

"Are you? Let's be serious Em, you're nothing special. My brother only cares about sticking his dick in as many little sluts as possible and like a fucking idiot you fell for it."

Her words are like a punch to the stomach and I feel like throwing up. Shes supposed to be my best friend and shes making me feel like I'm not good enough for someone to love me.

"You know what? Fuck you Tara!" I snap. "I have tried and tried these past few weeks but you're not even willing to listen. You seem to have already made up your mind about Hunter and I so you may aswel just leave now!" I tell her as I stand and make my way to the door.

I open it for her and gesture outside making it clear I want her to leave.

"You can't kick me out! This is my brothers apartment!" She stands and stomps her foot.

"Yeah well, I've kind of moved in" I say, it's not necessarily true but I am living here for the foreseeable future.

On our way back from shopping, Hunter had drove me home to collect some things. Thankfully, my mom wasn't there, which isn't really a surprise, but I dont even want to be in that house.

The house that holds so many memories, the house that my mom and dad bought together the year after I was born.

Its just too damn difficult.

She laughs sarcastically. "You're living together?" she asks incredulously. "It'll be over earlier than I thought then."

I roll my eyes at her dig. "I've had a few problems at ho-"

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