2 "I want you bent over"

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Hunter continues exploring my body, darting his tongue out to caress the valley between my breasts and my eye shut instinctively. His tongue and lips move across my chest and I quiver when his teeth begin to nip at my nipple through the fabric of my flimsy black dress.

Hunter pulls me forward so i'm sitting up and lifts my dress over my head leaving me completely naked beside the tiny little pink thong I'm wearing.

He lets out a low hum of appreciation as he takes me in, his eyes fucking me. Leaning down, he grindes his hips, pressing against my wet centre.

My hands roam over his shoulders, and down his well built arms as his lips explore my neck and chest before his fingers lace into my long dark hair and bring me in for a hot, searing kiss.

My hand slips past his boxers and find his dick. I'm surprised by the size and wonder how on earth that is ever going to fit inside me. I rub my hand up and down as he groans against my skin, his teeth clenching as I pump my hand, varying the grasp and tempo.

I tug on the waistband of his boxers, a silent plea to rid himself of the offensive fabric.

He rocks back on to his knees and begins to remove them when he stops, eyeing me. "You too." he says, low and throaty, referring to my underwear. I'm especially grateful I've chosen to wear something sexy rather than the usual granny panties I would wear under a dress.

My eyes grow huge as I take in his size. I didnt expect it to be so... Generous?

I take the opportunity to push him on his back, and he hits the mattress with a soft thud. I straddle him and kiss his neck, hoping with everything I have I'm coming off as someone who knows exactly what she's doing. My lips move up to his ear, I suck briefly on the lobe, my core only centimetres away from his very tempting cock. He sits up, grinding his hips in a circular motion. "You on the pill?" he asks and I nod my head frantically unable to process words right now. "Good" he growls lowly as he enteres me in one swift move.

His length stretches me and a high pitched yelp escapes past my lips. It's the most pleasure I have ever felt in my life and my head drops back as his lips move over my neck and chest. He sucks my erect nipple into his mouth and bites down gently.

I buck my hips against him while he pushes up; my skin aches to feel him as close as possible. I grab his hair at the nape of his neck loving the feel of him inside of me as his mouth finds my ear. "You're so tight, Emily" He grunts out continuing his assault on my very willing body. His fingers dig into the delicate skin of my waist, hard enough that I think it might leave a bruise.

His words send a jolt of pleasure straight to my core and I moan, pulling him in closer, my arms wrapping around his neck.

Hunters eyes close and his head lolled back while I move on top of him, my breast bouncing around just inches from his face.

He feels incredibly deep inside me and he hits the perfect spot, making me move faster. I need a release, and quick, my whole body is tingling with anticipation.

I hear a low and sexy grunt come from him and it sends my orgasm ripping through me like a hot knife on butter. I whimper, clawing at his back as he pulls a very intense orgasm from me.

"Fuck," He says "you're fucking incredible Em," I can feel myself pulsing around his cock.

A small smile creeps onto my lips, my skin sticky with sweat as our bodies writhe together.

Hunter works fast, pulling me off of his lap and standing, "I want you bent over,"

I don't even question it and do as he says, my feet touching the cold wooden floor. His eyes never leave me as he drinks me in, his appreciative gaze travelling the length of my body before landing on my ass.

My hands ball into fists as he enters my wet heat again, the different angle making my eyes roll.

Fuck, he's incredible.

"Shit" I cuss and I hear a soft throaty chuckle from behind me.

"You've got a very dirty mouth on you sweet Emily," he says sending a shiver straight through me.

He pounds into me harder, his fingers digging into the skin of my hips, the thought of him marking me is a huge turn on and I buck my ass back to meet his jerks.

"You looks so sexy like this," I internally scream at his compliment as I meet him thrust for thrust.

This is what I need - to be fucked deep and hard. This is how I want to come.

"Ready for number two Em?" He asks and I nod, letting out a pleassured yelp.

I'm not entirely sure my body can handle another orgasm, I've never came twice in a row before and my legs are barely holding up as it is.

I whimper as I claw at the sheets around me, just as I'm about to bury my head in to the mattress Hunter tangled his fingers in my hair and pulls me back so my back is pressed to his sweaty chest.

His hand snakes down my stomach and lands directly on my sex. His fingers move in a circular motion, igniting another storm in the pit of my stomach.

This time a loud scream leaves my lips and I'm so grateful the music from the ongoing party is loud enough to disguise it.

"Come with me Emily," Hunter growls into my ear, his breath hot against my skin.

He pumps into my heat, every thrust causing a noise to escape me, which seems to only spur him on.

My toes start to curl, and my legs begin to shake as the start of orgasm number two rips through my body. I feel his cock twitching inside of me as he loses himself.

Low grunts escape him and I collapse head first onto the bed, Hunter falls down with me, the remainder of his high spilling out all over my back and ass.

He rolls onto the bed beside me and I turn to look up at the ceiling. We both lie there for a couple of minutes basking in the aftermath, sounding like we just ran a marathon attempting to catch our breaths.

He turns his head to smile at me and plants a soft and very surprisingly sweet kiss on my forehead before getting up and making his way to the bathroom.

I watch him go, his muscles rippling with every step he takes

His ass is a work of art..

When the door closes, I lie there for a couple more seconds before coming to my senses. I rake around in the bedside cabinet and find some tissues and clean my self up as best as I can.

Nobody likes the awkward aftermath of random, casual sex so I save us both the misery.

I pull my dress on over my head and slip my shoes on as fast as my trembling muscles will allow and high tail it out of there without a second glance back.

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