Bonus chapter - Devon's wedding speech.

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Spoiler ahead for Happily Ever Hookup.

Sorry. This is a shorter chapter.

Thanks for reading.

Emily looks magnificent in her gorgeous, ivory gown. She's the center of attention and lapping it all up, which is strange considering she usually hates the spotlight. She deserves this though, she deserves the world and more. I've never met anyone so bright and positively glowing, both in looks and personality. From my experience you either find a girl with one or the other, never both.

Emily defies everything I thought I knew though.

When I saw her walking down the aisle, I almost burst into tears of joy. Without a doubt that memory will stick in my mind for the rest of eternity. She looked so happy and I was overwhelmed and proud to be the cause. She looked up at me with those big brown eyes sparkling and Devon on her arm and I knew this is the start of the rest of our lives. 

After everything, we have so much to look forward to. The honeymoon, the new house, kids- hopefully one day and maybe if things keep going the way they are, Tara and Devon's wedding. Emily has her new found little sister and her blossoming relationship with her mom. We have a lifetime of laughter and love together and I can't be more excited if I tried.

People come up to us to congratulate us and give us gifts and hugs, Emily takes them all, hands them off to Tara, who then puts them in one of the cars for safe keeping until later. A waiter comes over and refills our champagne flutes as Devon climbs up onto the stage ready for the last speech.

The best man's speech.

My mom and my bastard of a dad have already said their piece and Emily's mom Sandy even said a few words, I think Emily was surprised by her moms sentimental and thoughtful words but she knows her mom is trying to make it up to her, maybe a little too hard.

"Ladies and Gents, I'm Devon, the best man" He states grabbing the attention of the room.

There's a few cheers from the crowd and Devon smiles as he raises his glass.

We're in a marquee but the sun is still shining and the breeze is light. The day couldn't be better.

"I have to admit that I was terrified when Hunter asked me to be best man, see, we didn't have the typical start to our friendship that a best man and a groom should probably have. Being brutally honest, I'm pretty sure he hated me when we first met." 

I laugh, he's bang on there. But he was trying to steal my girl. 

Emily looks at me and squeezes my hand affectionately, I can't imagine what my life would be like had he succeeded.

I began to like Devon, just a teeny little bit, the night he saved my sister from Nick. Then a little more when he beat the fuck out of him, then we all almost died, Emily spent three months in a coma and Devon was there for everyone, doing everything he possibly could to help, not because he wanted Emily but just because that's the kind of guy he is. He became my best friend and my closest confidant practically over night.   

"I was friends with Emily before I ever met Hunter. All through school we shared classes but it wasn't until senior year that I noticed something different about Emily, she was glowing, so confident and positive, we always had fun and laughed together and I found myself intrigued by the change in her, I asked her out a couple of times but she always- politely- rejected me"

This time, I squeeze Emily's hand and she flutters her eyelashes at me making my heart leap. After nearly four years, I still can't get my head around how much I love her. I crave to be with her every second of every day. When I lived in New York and she was still at home in Connecticut looking after her dad, I hated it. My life was so dull. Obviously, the phone sex was an eye opening experience and the time we spent together was even more treasured but I still despised being away from her. It made me realise how shit my life would be without her and I never want a repeat performance of that.

Devon continues "After a while, Hunter and Emily finally came out about their relationship and I realised why she had changed so suddenly... She was in love."

"Damn right, she was!" I holla making everyone erupt into laughter. 

Emily hides her face in my shoulder and I kiss the top of her head as Devon continues.

"Honestly, I was a little shocked when I found out they were together, I think we were all assuming Emily was crazy to go for Hunter's ugly mug." He winks in my direction and we all laugh again. "But in all seriousness, it didn't take me long to realise just how perfect they are for each other."

The guests all 'ahh' and cheer and I kiss my new wife, a simple peck which isn't nearly enough for me.

"After a lot of shit and a few too many near death experiences, Hunter finally came to his senses and realised how great of a guy I am, we became the best of friends and I was like the brother he never had" He jokes and just about everyone turns to look at Declyn who flips Devon off. Devon chuckles before getting back to business. "I remember the day Hunter told me he wanted to propose, we were having a guys night while Emily and Tara done their girl stuff. He chugged a full bottle of beer, then proceeded to drink mine. He was jittery and nervous and just as I was about to ask him what was going on, he pulled out the ring box and set it on the table in front of me."

I remember that day as if it were yesterday, I had been thinking about proposing, seriously, for weeks. When my mom noticed I was acting off, I came clean, she instantly took me out to buy a ring, excited by the prospect of her 'baby' as she often calls me, getting married.

"As shameful as it is, I cried" Devon admits earning a few chuckles here and there. 

Honestly, we both cried. Devon and I hugged for a good ten minutes as we sobbed, which I'm grateful he left out of the story.

"I cried because despite growing up with two parents more in love than anyone I know and experiencing being in love for myself" He grins toward Tara, who blushes a cute pink and sends him a little flirty wave "I couldn't think of two people more deserving of happiness than Hunter and Emily"

Every single person erupts into cheers and applause at his words and I feel a proud tightening in my chest.

We've been through hell and back, literally. All of us. But we survived. We're here and happy and although we have lost Roy, and my relationship with my dad is still rocky, I know things from here on out are going to be okay.  

"I want to say thank you to everyone that came today, to everyone that had a hand in making this day as special as it could possibly be, the bridesmaids and the adorable flower girls, the mother of the groom, beautiful Christine and to Aunt Karen who has without knowing, became everyone's second mom and supplied us with enough tea and coffee to last a lifetime. Last but not least, I want to say a huge Thankyou to my stunning girlfriend, Tara, who without, today most definitely wouldn't have happened."

Never was a truer word spoken, Emily and I agreed on a venue, flowers and cake design, Tara arranged everything else from the seating to the minister and the band, Emily and I wanted as little as possible to do with the day leading up to it. We both knew Tara would do a better job than both of us, even on her worst day.

"Emily, you look beautiful and I was honored and humbled to be the one to walk you down the aisle today, it was a true privlege and I will forever be thankful that you became one of my best friends." Devon says and Emily sends him a megawatt smile.

"Hunter, you're a lucky little fucker- sorry kids- you're my brother from another mother and one of the best men I've ever known. I love you, man" He raises his glass in our direction, "Ladies and gents, please join me in proposing a toast" We all lift our glasses and champagne flutes. "To my best friends, The bride and groom"

"The bride and groom" There's a chorus of cheers as Emily and I clink our glasses together and she leans in for a lingering, heartwarming kiss. The first of many in our future.

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