34 "Why is Emily wrapped up like a burrito?"

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Hunters P.O.V.

3 month Later.

Everyday I visit, Everyday I'm here, hoping, wishing with everything I have that Emily will wake up and grace me with that beautiful smile of hers that I love so much.

I long for the day when she'll open them big hazel eyes and tell me that she's okay and from now on, everything is going to be fine.

The longer she's asleep though, the less likely that is to happen.

Three whole months have passed since my world was turned on its head and I'm still as terrified as I was that very day.

I remember waking up in the hospital, aching and sore. I remember hearing doctors talking about how someone was close to death, and I remember how my heart felt like it had been crushed at the thought of losing Emily.

Apparently Devon got off lightly with only minor injuries, just a broken arm and a concussion.

I had a few cracked ribs and a huge gash on my head that had to be glued back together and a broken ankle but that was nothing compared to Em.

The truck that hit us had directly hit the passenger side of my car, giving Emily the full brunt of the impact.

She had broken ribs, which punctured her lung and internal bleeding, she had hit her head so hard on the window, she had a fractured skull and swelling of the brain.

For a while, the doctors didn't think she would make it and told us to prepare for the worst.

But my girl is one of the strongest people I know, so I knew she wouldn't go down without a fight.

After numerous operations to repair the damage, doctors were more optimistic.

If she can survive this, she can survive anything.

"Why is Emily wrapped up like a burrito?" I hear Taras voice as she waltzes into the private hospital room I had acquired for her. It's a much more relaxing setting.

I don't take my eyes off of Emily as I answer her. "She always has her comforter wrapped around her like that." I say. "I thought she would be more comfortable when she wakes up."

My sister must have slept in the same bed as Emily thousands of times over the years, how she never noticed that she pulls the blankets up to her chin and tangles herself in the sheets every night is beyond me.

Even when the weather is nice, she looks like an Eskimo begging for warmth.

I suppose you wouldn't notice things as simple as how someone sleeps unless you were really paying attention.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've lay beside her while she sleeps, just observing her.

Watching the small movements of her eyes flickering rapidly under her eyelids and the way her nostrils flare when she starts snoring, no matter how many times I tell her she snores, she will deny it like her life depends on it.

Tara goes about doing what she does every day, switching Emilys day old flowers for fresh ones, she'll then tidy around the room, making sure everything is in order before going to get us some awful hospital coffee.

Everyday, she returns with a different gift for Emily. Whether it be a small cuddly toy or some fruit, a bar of candy or her favourite magazine.

I know it's because she feels guilty, she told me so herself a couple of days after the 'accident.'

I'm sitting at the side of Emilys hospital bed, tubes and machines all around us, I've never felt so deflated and exhausted in my entire life. I dont think I've slept for the past four days, and I dont want to. I can't miss anything. If Emily wakes up and i'm not there for her, I'll never forgive myself.

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