36 "I'm not made of Glass, Hunter."

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I'm so overwhelmed by the response I've had to this story, what started out as a hobbie to pass the time has became so much bigger than I ever expected.

Unfortunately, The Hookup only has TWO CHAPTERS left after this one, so sadly, we're coming to an end.

I hope you have enjoyed reading Hunter and Emilys (and Taras and Devons) story as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

I'm working on a new story right now, the first chapter will be posted at the same time as the last chapter of The Hookup so please follow me so you can check it out!

Again, thank you to each and every one of you!

Here's chapter 35...

Hunter is treating me like I'm going to shatter, and as sweet as it is, Just once I want him to grab me roughly and take me while I'm bent over and pulling on my hair.

Oh how times have changed.

I got out of the hospital almost two weeks ago and I've been molly coddled ever since.

The doctors told me to take it easy, but this is just taking the piss.

I've reduced myself to reading fifty shades of grey in the hopes that Hunter will get the hint and ravage me.

I understand he's worried about Nick and his idiotic revenge plan and honestly, I am too. We'd be stupid not to be, he almost killed me once before and I really don't want a repeat performance.

I notice Hunter glance at me from beside me in bed. I've officially moved into his apartment, at least until Nick is located or my mom, whichever comes first.

I have thought about the possibility that Nick might have done something to her, and I even mentioned my concerns to the police but as they said, it doesn't really make sense.

Nick didn't know my mom. He had no contact with her at all and if he was going to hurt anybody's mom, it would most likely be Hunter and Taras mom.

Besides, the police found proof that my mom had used her passport to travel to England, two days before the accident.

I don't know whether to be happy that nothing has happened to her or bummed she left of her own accord.

Either way, she's not here.

"You okay?" Hunter asks and I roll my eyes. It must be the hundredth time I've heard that question today and its getting really fucking annoying.

"Fine" I say irritated. I don't mean to sound like a bitch, I'm just sexually frustrated and annoyed I'm being doted on hand and foot. It's not just Hunter either, Tara is just as bad.

She's here almost everyday, making sure I want for nothing and that I'm still alright. It's the same thing everyday, I feel like they're my fucking slaves or something. I can't even make a cup of coffee for myself.

It's actually ridiculous.

"No, actually I'm not fine" I admit sitting forward and throwing the stupid book to the floor. "I'm frustrated, in general and sexually. You've barely touched me" I complain and I realise how petty I sound but before the accident and even in the days after waking up, He literally couldn't keep his hands off of me.

Whether it be a small touch of my face or rubbing a hand through my hair, even holding hands was better than this!

"You've been through a lot Emily" Hunter says sitting forward to my level. "I just want to make sure you're fully recovered before anything happens." He tells me and I roll my eyes again because I am fully recovered! Can he not see that?

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